Josette Sheeran, Executive Director World Food Program (WFP), says the organization is deeply saddened by the loss of life and destruction in Haiti. She added that WFP is mobilizing all available resources to provide urgently needed food assistance as part of a rapid and coordinated recovery effort.

“Our thoughts are with families who have lost loved ones and those whose, lives have been shattered,” Sheeran said.

WFP is already deploying resources in Haiti to assist those affected by this disaster. WFP is immediately airlifting an additional 86 metric tons of food from its emergency hub in El Salvador, which will provide more than half a million emergency meals.

In the initial stages of this crisis, WFP will be providing significant quantities of ready to eat food that can be consumed immediately by those who have no access to cooking facilities. High energy biscuits will also be distributed to those who have lost their homes and can no longer feed themselves.

WFP says it will work with the Haitian government, with its humanitarian partners on the ground, and with governments across the world, as part of a coordinated international rescue and recovery effort.

Source: World Food Program

Edited by Christian Nordqvist