Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that affects the stomach and small bowel. It is often symptomless, but it can increase the risk of ulcers, gastritis, and cancer, all of which can cause pain and other symptoms.

H. pylori was discovered in 1982 by two Australian researchers who also found that it causes peptic ulcer disease.

Peptic ulcers are open sores in the lining of the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine. Peptic ulcers are often simply called “ulcers” or “stomach ulcers.” H. pylori also increases the risk of developing stomach cancer and dyspepsia.

This article explains what H. pylori is, how it makes people sick, and how it causes stomach ulcers.

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Many people with H. pylorido not have any signs or symptoms. However, if people get an illness caused by H. pylori, they may have various symptoms.

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer might include a sharp pain in the upper belly area that radiates to the back. The pain can get better or worse with eating, which may also be associated with abdominal fullness or bloating. There may be temporary relief from taking an antacid. However, the pain does come back.

Symptoms of dyspepsia often include upper belly pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Possible symptoms of stomach cancer include:

  • belly pain or swelling
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea or indigestion
  • feeling full without eating very much
  • vomiting
  • weight loss

People with any of these symptoms should talk with their doctor. Other conditions can cause these symptoms, so proper medical care is needed to diagnose the issue.

Possible complications of stomach ulcers

An ulcer can lead to serious complications if left untreated, including:

  • internal bleeding that can become life-threatening
  • a hole in the stomach that can lead to infection
  • scar tissue that can block the stomach or intestine, preventing it from emptying food

These complications require immediate medical attention. Possible warning signs include:

  • severe stomach pain
  • black or tarry stool
  • stool with bright red blood
  • vomit with bright red blood
  • vomit that resembles coffee grounds
  • feeling dizzy or faint
  • feeling weak or short of breath
  • chills or fever

The stomach has a layer of mucus designed to protect it from stomach acid. H. pylori attacks this mucus lining and leaves part of the stomach exposed to acid. Together, the bacteria and the acid can irritate the stomach, causing ulcers, gastritis, and, in rare cases, stomach cancer.

Many people who have H. pyloriin their stomachs do not develop ulcers or any other related problems. In fact, two-thirds of the world’s population have H. pylori, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In the United States, there is a 5% prevalence of the bacteria in children less than 10 years old. Hispanic and African American populations have a higher prevalence compared to white Americans. About 64-74% of Hispanics and 62-90% of African Americans are affected by H. pylori, in contrast to 19-77% of white people.

However, for reasons not yet understood, some people get ulcers, gastritis, or stomach cancer from an H. pylori infection.

Research has shown that in the first 10 years since scientists discovered H. pylori, Data from the developed world has shown that in the first decade of the discovery of H. pylori, 95% of duodenal ulcers and 85% of gastric ulcers were associated with this bacterial infection.

Furthermore, the lifetime risk of developing peptic ulcer disease (PUD) may be 3–10 times higher in people who test positive for H. pylori than those who do not.

Ulcers are not the only problems associated with H. pylori. Researchers discovered that H. pylori may also cause gastritis, a condition that involves inflammation of the stomach’s lining.

H. pylori infection is also linked to stomach cancer. However, the American Cancer Society states that most people with H. pylori in their stomach never develop stomach cancer.

It is worth noting that peptic ulcers may also occur due to the long-term use of certain medications, including pain medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. These medications are called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Doctors can conduct a blood test to see if H. pylori antibodies are present in a person’s blood. However, since antibodies can remain in the body after the bacteria is gone, this may not be the best way to test for an active infection.

Other ways to test for the bacteria include:

  • A urea breath test (UBT), in which a person swallows a capsule containing urea and then gives a breath sample after 10–20 minutes. This test allows the doctor to see if the bacteria is present in the stomach.
  • An endoscopy can help a doctor find the infection, as well as any related ulcers or inflammation.
  • A stool sample can also show if a person has antigens for the bacteria on their stool. This tells the doctor if the person has an active infection.

These tests must be conducted after a period of one month off antibiotics and two weeks off proton pump inhibitors (PPI) to ensure the most reliable results.

Doctors diagnose ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer with a combination of the following tests:

  • Medical history: Past medical problems and symptoms are discussed.
  • Physical exam: The doctor will examine and listen to the belly during a physical exam.
  • Special X-rays: These X-rays can show the inside of the stomach.
  • Endoscopy: During this procedure, doctors view the inside of the stomach with a special instrument while the patient is sedated or put to sleep.

H. pylori is contagious, though the way it transmits is not clear. The two most likely ways the bacteria transmit are:

  • direct person-to-person transmission
  • fecal-to-oral or oral-to-oral transmission
  • environmental contamination

When it comes to environmental contamination, the likely source is contaminated food or water. It has been found in human saliva, so experts think it can spread from person to person.

There is no known way to prevent H. pylori infection. However, experts recommend:

  • washing hands before eating and after using the restroom
  • eating food that has been handled and prepared safely
  • avoid sharing food with someone who has the infection
  • drinking only clean, safe drinking water

H. pylori infections are more common in developing countries where people may not have access to clean, safe food and water.

People who have symptoms of an ulcer, dyspepsia, or another stomach issue may receive testing for H. pylori or other problems. If doctors find an ulcer, they may treat patients with a variety of medications, including some or all of the following:

Sometimes, a peptic ulcer can come back after treatment. To help avoid this, experts recommend that a person:

  • stop NSAIDs or take a much smaller dose
  • only take NSAIDs with special medications that protect the stomach
  • avoid alcohol
  • consider quitting smoking

This treatment should last 14 days. If this is not successful, the doctor may attempt to increase the dosages or substitute the antibiotics.

Doctors can treat most H. pylori infections successfully treated with antibiotics.

However, research suggests that some H. pylori infections are becoming resistant to certain antibiotics. This meansH. pylori is able to survive antibiotic treatment, and the patient may need another drug to kill the bacteria.

In fact, a 2023 study revealed that antibiotic resistance to H. pylori was more prevalent than previously reported.

It is important for a person to complete the course of the antibiotic prescribed by their doctor unless side effects occur, as discontinuing them prematurely can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance.

Following treatment, all patients should undergo retesting four weeks later to confirm eradication, particularly if the H. pylori strain is resistant to the prescribed regimen.

Below are some commonly asked questions about H. pylori.

What happens if pylori goes untreated?

If H. pylori goes untreated, it can lead to complications and increase the risk of ulcers, gastritis, and cancer.

Treating the infection can help prevent complications and improve long-term health outcomes.

Can H. pylori be cured completely?

Yes, H. pylori infection can be eradicated with appropriate treatment, which usually includes antibiotics. However, a person should speak to a doctor about a treatment plan that is tailored to them.

Roughly four weeks after a person has finished taking the antibiotics, a doctor will test to confirm whether the bacteria is still present or not.

Is it OK to live with H. pylori?

Many people live with H. pylori and have no symptoms. However, it can lead to complications and increase the risk of ulcers, gastritis, and cancer.

With this in mind, even if a person is not experiencing symptoms, it’s still important for them to seek treatment to prevent complications and protect their long-term health.

H. pylori is a bacteria commonly found in the stomach, often without symptoms. However, it can lead to ulcers, gastritis, and even stomach cancer.

Left untreated, stomach ulcers can lead to complications such as internal bleeding and stomach perforation.

Diagnosing H. pylori involves various tests, and treatment typically includes antibiotics and medications to reduce stomach acid.

If a person suspects they have H. pylori infection, they should seek treatment to prevent complications and protect their long-term health.