Children throughout the USA were given bendable dog and cat toys as prizes and incentives to encourage reading. They are all being recalled because they contain unacceptable levels of lead.

Highsmith Co., Wisconsin, sold these made-in-China toys, about 4 inches long, to libraries all over the USA. Most of the toys were given out during June and July, 2006.

Paint used on toys should not have more than 0.06% lead content. These bendable dogs and cats have between 0.24% and 0.4%.

As these toys are small and bendable, the temptation for kids to put them in their mouths is greater – making lead absorption even easier.

Health authorities and librarians throughout the USA are urging children, parents and carers to return these toys to their local libraries for safe disposal.

Symptoms of Plumbism (lead poisoning)

Lead poisoning has many possible symptoms and can affect several different parts of the body. Levels of lead in your body can accumulate over time – toxic levels can seriously harm your child’s mental development.

Here are some symptoms of lead poisoning:

— Abdominal pain and cramping (often the first sign of a high, toxic dose)
— Aggressive behavior
— Anemia
— Constipation
— Headaches
— Irritability
— Lack of appetite
— Loss of previous developmental skills (in young kids)
— Reduced sensations
— Sleeping disorders Low energy levels
— Very high levels may cause vomiting, staggering, muscle weakness, seizures, and even coma

Some possible complications of lead poisoning include:

— Reduced IQ

— Slowed body growth

— Hearing problems

— Behavior or attention problems

— Failure at school

— Kidney damage

Written by: Christian Nordqvist
Editor: Medical News Today