Michael J Fox says he supports all Congressional candidates who are in favor of stem cell research. Michael Fox, 45, who has been suffering from Parkinson’s Disease since his diagnosis in 1991, has appeared in campaign adverts which show him rocking uncontrollably as he addresses the camera. He has become a powerful weapon for Democrat election candidates.

In one TV advert for candidate Claire McCaskill, Fox says “What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans. Americans like me.” He plans to appear at events for other candidates.

President George Bush, as well as several religious leaders, are against embryonic stem cell research. On the other hand, polls suggest the majority of Americans are in favor of it.

Most scientists say stem cell research could go a long way towards finding an effective treatment for Parkinson’s Disease, as well as countless other illnesses. Michael Fox, a celebrity, with Parkinson’s Disease, and comparatively young, is expected to have an enormous impact on voters.

See Advert (McCaskill for Missouri TV ad – youtube.com)

Comment by Editor of Medical News Today

I can’t understand why the ads focus on stem cell research generally. Isn’t the issue in the USA just with Embryonic Stem Cell Research, not Adult Stem Cell Research?

Written by: Christian Nordqvist
Editor: Medical News Today