Podcast Summary:

Control has been attributed as a key motivator behind eating disorders. Paradoxically, the ability for one to exert control over food, accompanies their loss of control in relation to food. Talking about her recent study exploring adults with eating disorders emotional responses' to images of food, Dr Anna Chur-Hansen spoke to Hamish Holewa for IPP-SHR podcasts. Using a qualitative methodolgy, adults with eating disorders were asked about their feelings and emotions whilst being shown different pictures of food. Results indicated that the central tenant to all reactions related to the notion of self control. Participants indicated positive feelings when they were able to influence their eating behaviours, and felt negative feelings when one could not exercise such control. It is suggested that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) can potentially assist a person's need for control and help adjust maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving.

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International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research
CQUniversity, Australia