Over the last decade, social media has become integrated into every aspect of business in every industry. The pharmaceutical industry, however, has very traditional methods of research and business development, and in many ways is slow to begin the transition into the online community.

SMi Group presents their 5th event in their highly successful series: Social Media in the Pharmaceutical Industry. This conference will allow for key leaders in social media, communications, e-marketing and market research, to meet and discuss the innovations in social media, and the ways to approach each new and emerging field.

This conference promises to be our best yet with new additions including:
  • Case studies and panel discussions of successful and unsuccessful applications of digital pharmaceuticals, to help your company see the right and the wrong ways to utilise new mechanisms
  • A focus on the implementation of new social media: how to put into practice the innovations in the industry
  • Talks on Crisis management and adaptations both in specific examples, and best practices that can be applied throughout your company
  • A representative of Google, who will be speaking on the latest innovations in the industry
  • A look at the best methods of customer, stakeholder and patient engagement
With connectivity, engagement and implementation becoming increasingly important in the pharmaceutical industry, this conference promises to cover a range of issues faced by all companies in the sector to help you learn about the industry, and apply these principles to your own company's needs.

For more information click here.