Design is indeed the design of life; it creates a new world for material civilization, continuously transforms the content of our lives and improves the quality of our lives. Therefore, it is also the most important elements of the contemporary civilization. Along with the development of the times, people will put forward higher requirements for the design, which means the competition will become more and more intense, and the design will be more and more important.

During the conference, there will be designers, well-known academics and enterprises, associations, institutions from 100 countries and regions all over the world to participate in this event.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the conference, we cordially invite you to attend the event. In the cool summer 2014, let us meet in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian, to discuss the opportunities and challenges of today's design.


Sector 1: Main Conference

Episode 1: Lighting the Porch

Episode 2: Design Master Summit

Sector 2: Voices of Talented Designers

Startrack 1: Genius of Industrialand Engineering Designs

Startrack 2: Colorful Multi-Dimensional Design World

Startrack 3: Visual Art and Smart Designs

Startrack 4: Tech Innovators in Modern Designs

Startrack 5: Costume and Fashion Designs

Sector 3: Social Activities and Events

Program 1: Creative Design Competition

Program 2: International College Design Competition

Program 3: Smart Design Works Show

Program 4: Top Design Team Showcases

Program 5: Cosplay of Designed Figures in Game, TV and Movies

Sector 4: EXPO of Masterpieces and Design Works

Please see website for further information.