The obesity epidemic has drawn attention to food marketing practices that may increase the likelihood of caloric overconsumption and weight gain. Researchers from the Einstein Healthcare Network and the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine explored the associations of discounted prices on supermarket purchases of selected high-calorie foods and more healthful, low-calorie foods by a demographic group at high risk of obesity.

In an analyses of 6,493 food purchase transactions over 65 weeks, the odds of buying foods on sale versus at full price were higher for grain-based snacks, sweet snacks, and sugar-sweetened beverages but not for savory snacks. The odds of buying foods on sale versus full price were not higher for any of the low calorie foods. Without controlling for quantities purchased, researchers found that spending increased as percentage saved from the full price increased for all high calorie foods and for fruits and vegetables. Focus group participants emphasized the lure of sale items and took advantage of sales to stock up.

Study: Buying Food on Sale: A Mixed Methods Study With Shoppers at an Urban Supermarket, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2010-2012, Etienne J. Phipps, PhD, Einstein Healthcare Network, Director, Center for Urban Health Policy and Research, Preventing Chronic Disease, published 4 September 2014.