On August 25, 2006, Dr. George Schwartz presented a series of case reports demonstrating how an intensive anti-parasitic treatment program leads to effective treatment of Morgellon's (thread, fiber, or Lisa's disease) and cure in early cases.

This "mystery disease" originally misinterpreted as a psychiatric disorder (delusions of parasitosis) is a contagious and serious systemic disease. Its symptoms include intense pruritis (itching), a creeping-crawling sensation under the skin and poorly healing skin lesions. Unique to this disease is the production by the parasite of clear, white, blue, or red fibers ranging from microscopic to inches long. Along with these symptoms can be muscle pain and contraction, anemia, enlarged liver and spleen and bony degeneration. Neurological symptoms may be prominent and are characterized by memory impairment and confusion (termed "brain fog" by patients). In children the behavioral disturbances may be erroneously called "Autism."

Comparing the parasite's production of fibers in one of its life stages to that of a silkworm, Dr. Schwartz noted that the reason for the fibers is still unknown, but it may represent a form of cocoon development or inter-parasite communication. He added, "The fiber production is often associated with electronic phenomena and the role of the fibers in nerve transmission needs to be investigated."

When asked about the contagiousness of the disease, Dr. Schwartz pointed out that transmission through families is common, and people who inhabit a house or room in which the disease has been contracted are at risk. "One family in Idaho, for example, became infected with the disease and moved away. Two months later another family moved into the same house and all family members got the condition." What does this mean for real estate sales? "It should be disclosed," Dr. Schwartz said. "And patients with this disease should avoid hotel and motel rooms which are possible transmission sites."

When asked about the origin of the disease, Dr. Schwartz added, "I believe the disease is either new or very old and has emerged due to global warming. For example, it could be like a plague of the Egyptians thousands of years ago. I am often asked about bio-engineering and while it is a possibility, the disease will respond to an intensive anti-parasitic management program leading to effective treatment and cure in early cases regardless of the origin." However, he added with emphasis, "The disease is epidemic and doubling rapidly. In the future there will have to be special multi- disciplinary centers to treat this condition and control the spread. We are currently performing DNA analysis to determine the nature of the parasite, which should be helpful."

The research report is available at http://www.healingresearch.org and http://www.beatricebooks.com. FOR INTERVIEWS ONLY CALL DR. GEORGE SCHWARTZ, 954.427.5810.

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