Joyful, healthful living: of all of the company values we have, this one is my favorite (though empathy is a very close second). With the year coming to a close, the Medical News Today editorial team had the opportunity to flex their “joyful” muscles at our annual winter party.

Our editors have been working like Santa’s elves to ensure that there’s fresh content every day over the holidays. But we did kick back and relax at our winter party.

We ate good food, shared drinks and stories, and then belted out some tunes at our favorite karaoke place. We celebrated each other and all of our accomplishments over the past year.

And there are certainly many achievements to celebrate. MNT has climbed to the number 11 spot for top health websites in the world, and we are well on our way to being in the top 10.

Over the past year, our team has grown by over threefold, and we have branched out in the topics that we are covering. Our resident scientist has been doing deep scientific analyses on hot topics.

One of our editors has also started trying out strange therapies and writing about them — like earlier this month, when he tricked me into doing cryotherapy with him.

Of all our accomplishments this year, however, the one that makes me the happiest is the way that our editorial team has grown. I get to work with the kindest and most curious people around. It is a genuine joy to be surrounded by editors who care about our readers, who care about each other, and who are really invested in what they put out into the world.

All of this culminates in content on MNT that is reliable, authoritative, and crafted with care for you, dear reader.

We want to pique your curiosity, we want to be there at 3 a.m. when you need an answer to a health query, and we want to give you the information you need to make informed decisions.

Some of the topics that grabbed your attention this month included a finding that (rejoice!) eating cheese every day may help to protect heart health, as well as a new approach that halts tumor growth.

You were interested in the finding that psoriasis could be prevented with an artificial vanilla extract. We also helped you get to the bottom of masturbation myths and facts, as well as the causes of, and ways to prevent, white hair.

Our News team also compiled a year in review to cover the most important medical findings of 2017.

What do you want to know as 2018 arrives? Let us know, and we’ll be on the case. You can also contact us on Twitter and Facebook.

We hope you have a joyful, healthful end to 2017 and a wonderful start to 2018!

[Marie signature]