Being based in England, you’d think that the Medical News Today editorial team would be used to less-than-ideal weather conditions. But, we’d be lying if we said that the glacial temperatures of New York City weren’t a shock to the system.

The MNT editorial team paid a visit to NYC earlier this month for the company’s annual year start meeting.

It was 5℉ with a sprinkling of snow. Every gust of wind felt like a thousand pinpricks to the skin. But, from the moment we got that first mesmerizing view of the big city lights, the ice-cold temperatures were a distant memory.

We were excited to join our Healthline family in the Big Apple for our annual year start meeting.

Colleagues from Iceland, San Francisco, and — of course — New York came together to discuss ways in which we can help each of you, our readers, be your best self in 2019 and beyond.

The primary focus of the meeting was around mental health — a topic that I’ve touched on a lot in my previous letters.

We talked about ways in which we can make our mental health content more accessible, how we can encourage our readers to seek the help that they might need, and ways in which we can support our readers and empower them to share their stories.

Of course, our discussion didn’t stop at mental health. We want to be your ally in all areas of health. We want to be there when you’re wondering which diet is best for diabetes or how to treat that winter rash.

There are some exciting plans in the pipeline, and I can’t wait to share these with you in the coming months. Watch this space!

So, which articles caught your eye this month? You were interested to learn about nine healthful snacks for weight loss, and you were intrigued — and probably shocked — to discover some foods that are surprisingly unhealthful. I’ll certainly be thinking twice about having instant oatmeal for breakfast!

Our article on the symptoms of iron deficiency also proved popular, as did our article on the difference between borderline personality disorder and bipolar.

Within our news content, our story on a study suggesting that fasting may fight aging and boost metabolism piqued your curiosity, and you were keen to learn about a drug formula that could regenerate brain cells.

One of our most popular articles for February was our glorious feature that takes an in-depth look at our poop. If you want to know whether there’s a “best way” to poop or how poop could combat antibiotic resistance, then be sure to give this a read!

If you have any interesting article suggestions, get in touch! You can also reach out to us on Facebook and Twitter.

I’ll be back next month with the latest on what’s happening at MNT.

Until then, have a joyful, healthful March!

Honor Signature

Honor Whiteman, Managing Editor