Researchers at McGill University have discovered how immune cells are able to identify foreign antigens.

the way immune cells work could provide invaluable insight into how immune diseases developAIDS

Nature ImmunologyT cells of the immune system behave in a similar way to bees when coordinating responses to disease pathogens and vaccines

Physical Review Letters

A surprisingly simple solution, linked to the biochemical adaptation, was yielded by the computer simulations.

“Our approach provides a simpler theoretical framework and understanding of what happens” as immune cells sort through the “haystack” to detect foreign antigens and trigger the immune response. Our model shares many similarities with real immune networks.”

“Strikingly, the simplest evolved solution we found has both similar characteristics and some of the blind spots of real immune cells we studied in a previous collaborative study with the groups of Grégoire Altan-Bonnet (Memorial Sloane Kettering, New York), Eric Siggia (Rockefeller University, New York) and Massimo Vergassola (Pasteur Institute, Paris).”

The research reveals an in depth analogy between immune recognition and biochemical adaptation.