According to the EPA, the toxic cocktail in the floodwaters of New Orleans include alarmingly high levels of bacteria (from sewage) and lead. Authorities are advising people to wash themselves with soap and clean water if they touch the dirty water. Better still, they say, avoid all contact with the contaminated water.

In some parts of New Orleans, say EPA officials, lead levels are over 50 times the safety limit (for drinking) – in all areas it is at least twice as high as it should be. Asked why lead levels are so high, officials say they are still looking into it.

Bacteria levels (E. coli) are up to over 100 times higher than safety limits for swimming. Levels of coliform bacteria are also high.

Other toxins are also present, such as arsenic and hexavalent chromium (only dangerous if drunk in large quantities).

Why is Lead Dangerous for Humans?


Lead is particularly dangerous to children. Children’s growing bodies absorb more lead than adults do. Lead can damage a child’s brain and nervous system if the toxin is not detected early. Children with high levels of lead can have behavioral problems, such as hyperactivity. Lead can slow down a child’s growth. It can also cause hearing problems. A child will suffer from more headaches if his/her lead levels are high.


High levels of lead can lead to difficulties during pregnancy, difficulties in reproducing (for both males and females), hypertension, digestive problems, disorders of the nervous system, difficulty in concentration and memory, muscle pain and pain in the joints.

Written by – Christian Nordqvist
Editor – Medical News Today