Foamy or frothy stool is typically diarrhea-like and may appear to have bubbles in it. It may also seem oily or contain mucus. It can stem from a malabsorption disorder, pancreatitis, and other conditions.
Normal stool is usually solid and brown, but there can be many variations. Foamy stool may look like it has white or yellow foam on it, or the stool itself is of a foamy consistency.
A reaction to certain foods often causes foamy stool. If this is the case, it will be an isolated incident and resolve with time and hydration. Generally speaking, foamy stools can result from consuming more fat than the body can digest.
However, foamy stool can also signal an underlying medical condition. Read on to learn more about causes and treatments and when to see a doctor.
The five most common causes of foamy stool include:
1. Malabsorption disorder
When the body cannot effectively absorb or use nutrients in food, this is malabsorption disorder.
One common malabsorption disorder is celiac disease. This involves a person having an autoimmune reaction to consuming gluten, leading to intestines becoming inflamed and other gastrointestinal symptoms
Dietary intolerances to other foods can cause similar symptoms. These foods include:
- eggs
- fructose
- lactose
- seafood
- sugar alcohols, such as mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol
A person may have foamy stool after eating a certain type of food. They may also feel bloated or nauseous.
2. Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis can be an acute or chronic condition. It can hinder a person’s ability to digest fats.
This condition can cause significant pain, especially in the upper abdominal region, and pain can spread to the back.
Causes of pancreatitis include gallstones, alcohol misuse, pancreatic cancer, or genetic disorders that affect the pancreas.
In addition to foamy stool, pancreatitis may also include the
- fever
- nausea
- rapid heart rate
- swollen abdomen
- vomiting
- exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Pancreatitis may require admission to a hospital for treatment.
3. Infection
A bacterial, parasitic, or viral infection in the gastrointestinal tract can create gas bubbles, making stool appear foamy.
A common source of infection is the Giardia parasite. Consuming contaminated water or food may result in infection. A person may also come into contact with contaminated water when swimming, for example.
Other symptoms of an infection include:
- fatigue
- gas
- nausea
- stomach cramping
- unexplained weight loss
It can take anywhere from
4. Irritable bowel syndrome
People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may have mucus in their stool, which can make the stool appear foamy.
Additional symptoms of IBS include:
- stomach pain and cramps
- diarrhea
- bloating
- constipation
5. Abdominal surgeries
Abdominal surgeries can affect digestion. These may include operations to remove a portion of the large or small intestine.
However, if a person has this syndrome in the long term, a doctor will usually recommend supplements to ensure that the individual receives adequate nutrition.
Frothy or foamy stool can be common in babies and is not usually a cause for concern.
Foamy stool in babies can result from a few different issues. Sometimes, it is a sign that a baby is getting an overload of lactose, a sugar found in breast milk.
Throughout a feeding session, the amount of fat in breast milk increases. There is less fat at the start of a feed, sometimes called foremilk. Toward the end of a feed, the fat content in the milk, sometimes called hindmilk, is higher.
The fat in breast milk slows the milk’s passage through the GI tract, which allows for thorough digestion. If a baby is not drinking enough of the higher-fat hindmilk, sometimes the milk moves too quickly through their system, and they can’t digest the lactose completely. This can result in gas, belly discomfort, and foamy poop.
There is no set amount of time required to drink enough of the hindmilk. A good strategy is to allow a baby to drain one breast before moving to the other side. For some babies, this takes 20 minutes. For some, it might take less than 5 minutes.
If a baby has foamy stool frequently, it may be a good idea to consult a lactation consultant. They can help assess all the facets of nursing, such as the quality of the baby’s latch, the length of time between feeds, and whether the lactating parent has an oversupply of milk or a fast letdown. Any of these things can contribute to foamy poop in babies. With good lactation support, there are many strategies to work through all of these issues.
Treatments for foamy stool depend on the underlying cause.
A doctor may recommend eliminating foods that often cause intolerances. This can help determine whether one or more of these foods is responsible for the symptom.
If a doctor or dietitian diagnoses someone with IBS, they can also help develop a diet plan that will reduce the person’s symptoms. A person may want to avoid foods that commonly cause gas, as well as fried foods.
It may be helpful to keep a food diary to determine which foods lead to IBS symptoms.
A person can use electrolyte powder to make rehydrating drinks.
Healthcare professionals
If a person has foamy stool on more than two occasions, they should see a doctor.
Seek immediate medical attention if any of the symptoms below accompany foamy stool:
- a temperature higher than 100.4°F (38°C)
- bloody stool
- dizziness
- severe abdominal pain
- severe diarrhea that occurs for more than 2 days
A doctor can evaluate a person’s symptoms and recommend tests to determine the underlying cause.
Here are some frequently asked questions about foamy bowel movements.
Why is my poop bubbling in the toilet?
Stool bubbling in the toilet or appearing foamy may be a sign of malabsorption disorder or a condition such as pancreatitis. If it appears to bubble in the toilet more than two times, contact a doctor.
Can stress cause foamy poop?
Stress can cause flare-ups of irritable bowel syndrome, which may result in stool that has mucus in it, giving it a foamy appearance.
Should I worry about foamy poop?
Although a reaction to certain foods can cause foamy stool, it may indicate an underlying issue. If you experience recurrent foamy stools, reach out to your healthcare professional.
While foamy stool may be concerning, a change in diet may help reduce the amount of mucus causing the symptom.
If the foamy stool signals a more serious condition, such as pancreatitis, a doctor can provide treatment and recommend methods for pain management and prevention.