A meningitis rash results from an infection reaction that causes bleeding under the skin. This may look similar to pinpricks or bruises.

Meningitis is an infectious disease caused by certain viruses, bacteria, or fungi. It causes swelling of the meninges, the protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord. Bacterial meningitis is a serious type of meningitis and is often associated with a rash.

The disease can be life threatening. If a person exhibits any hallmark symptoms of meningitis they should seek immediate medical attention. Learning to spot meningitis symptoms can help a person receive the right treatment fast.

In this article, we describe how to spot a meningitis rash. We provide a picture guide, explore other meningitis symptoms, and discuss similar conditions.

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Meningitis may cause a variety of symptoms, and certain types of bacterial meningitis may cause a distinctive rash.

The bleeding develops after the disease has progressed to cause blood poisoning. The medical term for this is meningococcal septicemia, or meningococcemia. It leads to broken blood vessels, giving the appearance of a rash. Approximately 50 to 60% of people with meningococcemia present with a petechial rash.

However, meningococcemia can occur without mengitits itself. In fact, meningococcemia occurs without meningitis in approximately 30% of invasive meningococcal infection cases.

Other Symptoms can include:

  • tiny red, pink, brown, or purple “pinprick marks,” called petechiae, on the skin
  • purple bruise-like marks
  • blotchy areas of skin
  • pale or mottled areas of skin

The meningitis rash may be less apparent on darker skin tones and can appear anywhere on the body. Usually, the rash is not raised, so the skin is unlikely to feel rough or bumpy.

Similar rashes

Some medications and many health issues — including injuries and viral infections — can cause rashes that may appear similar. Other conditions that can cause a similar petechial rash include:

These conditions are serious health concerns and require immediate medical attention.

The glass test can help healthcare providers determine whether a rash may result from meningitis.. However, it is important to note that this is an unreliable way to diagnose meningitis; anyone presenting with meningitis symptoms, including but not limited to headache, stiff neck, and light sensitivity, should seek immediate emergency medical care.

To perform the glass test, a healthcare provider can press a clear drinking glass against the rash. If the marks are still visible, even with pressure, this suggests that the rash is caused by bleeding under the skin

This is a sign that the rash is petechial, resulting from meningitis or other serious illnesses that cause bleeding.

A meningitis rash can be difficult to see, especially on darker skin tones. Try the glass test on areas of rash that are easier to reach, such as the trunk or limbs, and lighter areas, such as the palms of the hands and the bottoms of the feet.

Anyone can get meningitis. In the United States, however, young children are most at risk. Infants with meningitis can have a variety of symptoms, including:

If meningitis progresses to septicemia, a rash or unusual skin coloration may develop. This can happen within hours, as meningitis often progresses quickly.

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Image credit: Stephen Kelly, 2019

Symptoms of meningitis in teens and adults include:

  • a severe headache
  • sensitivity to light
  • a stiff neck that is painful to move
  • abdominal pain
  • aches or muscle pain
  • a fever
  • double vision
  • mental changes, including confusion
  • vomiting
  • seizures
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Image credit: Stephen Kelly, 2019

Doctors can diagnose meningitis by performing one or more medical tests, such as:

  • a physical exam to check the symptoms
  • blood tests
  • urine tests
  • a test of spinal fluid, which surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord
  • a CT scan
  • an MRI scan


If meningitis is suspected, doctors may prescribe antibiotics as a precaution even before the exact cause of meningitis is clear. This is because bacterial meningitis tends to be more serious than viral meningitis.

Milder cases of viral meningitis may resolve without antiviral treatment in 7 to 10 days. More severe cases require hospital care. A doctor may prescribe antiviral medications.

Doctors may treat fungal meningitis with antifungal medicines. A person with meningitis may also need medications to prevent seizures, as well as steroids to reduce brain inflammation.

People who may have a higher risk of meningitis include:

  • infants under 1 year of age
  • people who live in close communities such as college dorms or adult care facilities
  • anyone with a weakened immune system
  • people with certain medical conditions

Meningitis can be life threatening, and it can worsen quickly.

Many people recover from meningitis with prompt medical care. However, long-term complications can include:

Learn more about the effects and complications of meningitis here.

Some types of meningitis can pass from person to person. Strategies for avoiding meningitis include:

  • not sharing foods, drinks, utensils, or personal items
  • washing the hands properly and often with soap and running water, especially before eating and after using the bathroom.
  • coughing and sneezing into the crook of the elbow rather than the hands
  • staying home when ill and keeping sick children from attending day care or school

One of the best ways to prevent meningococcal disease is to get vaccinated. The CDC recommends meningococcal vaccines for everyone aged 11 to 12 years of age, with a booster dose at age 16.

Vaccination may be especially crucial for children and adults with a higher risk.

The outlook for meningitis depends on many factors, including whether the disease is bacterial, fungal, or viral and the person’s general health.

Seek emergency medical care if a person has any symptoms of meningitis. Prompt treatment can greatly increase the chance of survival and reduce the risk of long-term complications.