Sexual activity does not cause a yeast infection. However, it can increase the risk of an infection developing by introducing new bacteria to the vagina. People can take steps that may help reduce the risk of a yeast infection after sex.
Yeast infections are particularly common in females. They are not usually serious and are often treatable with medications from a pharmacy.
Doctors do not consider yeast infections sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, sexual activity may affect whether a person develops this infection.
Keep reading for more information about the causes and treatments for yeast infections and how sexual activity can affect the risk.
A note about sex and gender
Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to sex assigned at birth. Click here to learn more.
An overgrowth of microscopic Candida
However, this fungus may grow out of control under certain conditions and cause a yeast infection.
Learn more about yeast infections.
Sexual intercourse does not directly cause yeast infections, and doctors do not consider yeast infections to be STIs.
However, some sexual activities, such as penile, toy, or finger insertion,
It is also possible to develop a yeast infection following oral sex. A person’s mouth and saliva can introduce bacteria to the vaginal area.
It is not always possible to prevent yeast infections from developing. However, there are some steps someone can take to reduce their risk factors,
- frequently changing tampons, pads, and other menstrual products
- wearing breathable underwear
- removing wet clothes as soon as possible after working out or swimming
- not douching
- avoiding scented period products
- always wiping front to back after using the toilet
- keeping blood sugar under control
- avoiding hot tubs or hot baths
Some medications can increase a person’s chance of developing a vaginal yeast infection. These include antibiotics, birth control pills, and corticosteroids.
People with immune system issues and those who are pregnant or nursing are also at a higher risk of developing a yeast infection.
When a person has a yeast infection, it is best to avoid sex. This is because partners can spread the infection to each other and pass the infection back and forth.
Men with diabetes and those with uncircumcised penises are at higher risk of developing a yeast infection.
Condoms and dental dams may help prevent the spread of yeast infections between partners but are not always effective for this type of infection.
People also need to inform any sexual partners if they have an infection so they can also seek treatment.
If a person suspects a yeast infection, they need to talk with a doctor who can rule out other, potentially more severe infections. The typical
Most people can buy over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medication without a prescription from their local drugstore. Treatments come in several forms, including pills, creams, ointments, and suppositories.
The treatment typically involves taking antifungals in a single dose or a gel for up to 2 weeks. A person needs to follow the directions on the packaging and ask a pharmacist if they have any questions.
Some people experience recurrent yeast infections or those that do not resolve with OTC treatments. If this is the case, a doctor may prescribe a stronger antifungal medication.
Sometimes, a person must take antifungal medications for up to 6 months to help prevent future infections.
Below are answers to common questions about yeast infections.
Why did I get a yeast infection after sex?
Sex can disrupt the bacterial environment within the vagina, leading to yeast infections. Alongside sex, other sexual activities, such as using fingers or toys, can also introduce new bacteria.
What should I do after sex to prevent a yeast infection?
Some ways to avoid yeast infections after sex include washing up the genital area afterward and avoiding perfumed products.
Can a man give a woman a yeast infection?
A yeast infection is not an STI. However, bacteria from the penis can enter the vagina and cause yeast infections.
A person can develop a yeast infection after sex if the sexual intercourse introduces a foreign body, such as bacteria, to the vagina.
Yeast infections are not a major cause for concern. When a person experiences their first yeast infection, they may choose to get a diagnosis from their doctor. It is possible to treat most yeast infections with an over-the-counter medication.
People with active yeast infections need to avoid sexual intercourse to help avoid spreading the infection.