Most people experience a cough at some point in their lives. Healthcare professionals can classify coughs based on how they sound and how they feel to the individual.

Some coughs can be irritating, making it difficult to talk on the phone or go to work, whereas others can be painful and frightening. The simplest way to determine what is causing them and the best treatment is to pay attention to how they sound and how they affect the body.

This article identifies the different types of coughs, what causes them, how to treat them, and when to see a doctor.

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Dry coughs, or nonproductive coughs, are coughs that do not produce any mucus. They may follow respiratory illnesses, such as colds and the flu.

In most cases, the cough goes away on its own within 3 weeks or less. However, if a dry cough lasts longer than a few weeks, it may be a chronic cough.

Some causes of chronic cough include:

  • Asthma: Other symptoms of asthma include a tight sensation in the chest, shortness of breath, and wheezing.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): GERD is when stomach acid travels up towards the throat, which can trigger a cough.
  • Lung cancer: A cough that is related to lung cancer may coincide with blood in the mucus. It is rare that a cough is due to lung cancer. However, if a person is concerned, they should speak with a healthcare professional.


A person can typically ease the tickling sensation of a dry cough by drinking liquids, taking a cough drop, or using cough syrup.

A wet, or productive, cough occurs when a person coughs up mucus or phlegm. Wet coughs may be due to an infection, such as the flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia.

A cough that produces mucus may be described as a “chesty cough.” Generally, the mucus associated with a wet cough is usually green or yellow.

If a person coughs up blood or blood-stained mucus, they should contact a healthcare professional right away.

Some wet coughs can become chronic and may be due to:

  • Bronchiectasis: Bronchiectasis is a condition resulting from injured or damaged airways, making it so they cannot clear the mucus they produce.
  • Pneumonia: Pneumonia is when an infection causes the tissue on the lungs to become inflamed.
  • Nontuberculous mycobacteria infection (NTM): NTM is a group of bacteria that can lead to rare lung infections. NTM is more likely to affect individuals with underlying lung issues or a weakened immune system.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): COPD is a group of progressive lung diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD prevents airflow within the lungs, which causes breathing issues.


Staying hydrated can help a wet cough stay productive and ease the symptoms of a cold. Some people also find relief from over-the-counter (OTC) cough remedies, such as cough drops, chest rubs, and pain relievers.

If a bacterial infection is causing the cough, a person may need antibiotics.

A paroxysmal cough can be exhausting and painful. An individual may find it difficult to breathe while coughing and may even vomit.

The most common cause of paroxysmal cough is pertussis or whooping cough. However, other causes may include:


Treatment for chronic conditions like asthma and COPD includes medications to manage symptoms and lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking.

Infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis usually require antibiotics.

Pertussis, better known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial infection. Anyone can develop whooping cough. However, infants under 1 year old may be at a higher risk of this infection and complications from it.

A person with whooping cough typically has mild cold or flu-like symptoms, followed by an aggressive and painful cough. People with weakened immune systems may find it more difficult to fight the infection or have trouble breathing.

Those with this infection are most likely to pass it on for at least 2 weeks from when they begin coughing.

The best protection against the illness and passing it to those at higher risk is a whooping cough vaccination.


Taking antibiotics early can decrease the severity of whooping cough, so an unvaccinated person should contact a healthcare professional as soon as possible if symptoms develop.

A person may cough if they have a partially blocked airway, and the body tries to get rid of the object. Likewise, a person who eats something large or something that irritates their throat may cough.

It is advisable to contact a healthcare professional if coughing persists after a choking episode.

A person who is choking severely may not make a sound or be able to cough.

Someone who stops coughing and is having trouble breathing may be choking. A person with them should call 911 and perform the Hemlich maneuver.

A chronic cough is a cough that lasts longer than a typical illness, usually 8 weeks or more. These coughs sometimes signal an underlying condition. A person should speak with a healthcare professional for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Some potential causes of a long-term cough include:

  • an untreated infection that lasts longer than usual
  • allergies
  • smoking
  • exposure to irritants such as mold or dust at home or work
  • pneumonia or another lung disease
  • throat or oral cancer
  • swallowing disorders caused by other conditions, including dementia


Treatment for chronic cough depends on the underlying cause. However, a person can help manage the cough in the following ways:

  • keeping hydrated
  • avoiding irritants, such as allergens and tobacco smoke
  • use a humidifier to moisturize the air
  • use cough drops to soothe the throat

Although children can develop the same coughs as adults, some children develop a cough that sounds like a seal or dog barking.

A barking, painful cough may mean a child has croup. The flu or a cold virus can cause croup, which is common among children younger than 5 years old.

A caregiver should seek emergency help if the child:

  • has trouble breathing
  • is turning blue
  • has severe chest pain
  • develops a fever above 104°F
  • develops a wheezing cough
  • is limp, floppy, or not responsive
  • is sleepier than usual


The symptoms of croup are often worse at night, and treatment at home includes:

  • using a humidifier
  • drinking plenty of warm fluids
  • getting plenty of rest
  • taking OTC medication, such as acetaminophen

A caregiver should not give a child aspirin due to its connection to Reye’s syndrome. Children under 4 years old should not take OTC cough medication, as they can be harmful.

Croup usually lasts for 5–6 days, but the cough can continue for around 2 weeks.

Coughs are a common symptom, especially during cold, flu, and allergy season. Most coughs are not serious, but some can be.

Speaking with a healthcare professional is advisable if:

  • a person with a cough cannot breathe or catch their breath
  • a chronic cough lasts several weeks
  • a person with a chronic illness, such as COPD, does not get relief with their usual cough treatment
  • a person coughs up blood

Seek prompt emergency care if:

  • a cough gets worse over several days
  • a newborn baby develops a cough and shows signs of respiratory distress

Signs of respiratory distress include:

  • breathing very hard
  • gagging
  • turning blue
  • the rib lines showing when trying to breathe
  • stomach caving in when breathing
  • nostrils flaring

In most cases, a cough will clear on its own, although chronic coughs and coughs in young children or unwell seniors warrant prompt treatment.

There are various causes of a cough. Some may not require medical treatment. If a person has a cough lasting more than a couple of weeks, they should contact a healthcare professional.

Also, if a cough sounds as if it is getting worse or is very painful people should speak with a healthcare professional.