The Canadian Food and Inspection Agency confirmed that a six-year-old dairy cow in Fraser Valley, British Columbia, had BSE (Mad Cow Disease). Canadian authorities are say this finding will probably not lead to a ban on imports of beef from the USA. The USA is Canada’s largest export market for beef.

Mike Johanns, US Department of Agriculture, said “Information gathered through this investigation will help us to determine what, if any, impact this should have on our beef and live cattle trade with Canada. Based on the information currently available, I do not anticipate a change in the status of our trade.”

Canadian authorities have invited a US official to come to British Columbia.

Canadian beef is completely safe, say authorities. No part of the infected animal entered any food system.

Farmers are encouraged by authorities’ current responses to BSE finds. Unlike several years ago, meat importers focus more on procedures to make sure BSE does not enter the human and animal food systems. In the past, a single case of BSE would cause immediate bans on imports.

Written by: Christian Nordqvist
Editor: Medical News Today