The Xpert EV Test, just approved by the FDA, used along with other lab tests, will help doctors find out more quickly whether a patient has viral meningitis or the less common, more severe versions of the disease which are caused by bacteria.

Meningitis is diagnosed by testing the fluid obtained during a spinal tap. This test can take up to a week to get results. The Xpert EV Test provides results within two-and-a-half hours.

Daniel Schultz, M.D., Director, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, FDA, said “Because this test is significantly faster than existing methods for diagnosing meningitis, it could minimize delays in treating patients. Swift recognition of the cause and appropriate treatment is critical to patient recovery. Since bacterial meningitis can be deadly within as little as two days, patients who have viral meningitis are frequently treated with antibiotics as a safeguard against the more dangerous bacterial meningitis. This test should help physicians manage patients appropriately and prevent unnecessary treatment with antibiotics.”

For a doctor to be able to provide effective treatment it is crucial that he/she knows whether the patient has a viral or bacterial meningitis. Unfortunately, the symptoms are very similar. A patient with viral meningitis will usually recover completely within a couple of weeks, while one with bacterial meningitis runs a serious risk of brain damage, loss of hearing, and even death.

Symptoms of Meningitis (for humans over the age of two)

— Fever
— Severe headache
— Stiff neck
— Nausea
— Sleepiness
— Confusion
— Sensitivity to bright lights
— Seizures

Babies and small infants under two with meningitis may not have these symptoms – they may appear inactive or slow, irritable, have vomiting and feed poorly

The Xpert EV test was developed by Cepheid, Sunnyvale, California, USA.

Written by: Christian Nordqvist
Editor: Medical News Today