Most people grow hair around their anus and on their buttocks. This is completely normal. If people wish to remove butt hair, options include shaving, waxing, hair removal creams, electrolysis, and laser removal.
Butt hair does not have a clear purpose, and removing it does not generally cause any major health concerns.
Keep reading for more information on some effective ways to remove butt hair, either temporarily or permanently.
Researchers do not fully understand the purpose of butt hair. There are few theories about its purpose that may be correct.
Some of these theories include its potential role in reducing friction and preventing chafing. It may also play a role in the personal scent that human ancestors may have used for attracting mates or their marking territory.
However, some suggest that it may have no role at all.
Butt hair is completely normal. Removing it is a personal choice.
Temporary removal methods are usually quick, safe, and fairly easy. Most are doable alone and at home. For some methods, using a mirror may help.
Butt hair usually does not grow very fast compared with other areas of body hair. This means that it should require less maintenance than head or facial hair.
The method a person uses is a matter of preference. The following sections will provide some options.
Using a shaving razor, people can remove hair at skin level.
Because the anus is a sensitive area, it is advisable to use shaving cream or gel. People should also shave the area slowly and carefully, using small strokes. People may also find it beneficial to shave during a shower.
Using a proper technique when shaving can help a person prevent issues such as razor burn, ingrown hair, or nicks on the skin.
To minimize irritation:
- Wash the area using mild soap and water.
- Lather the area with all-natural shaving cream or gel.
- Prop one leg up on the side of the tub. Make sure it is dry to prevent slipping.
- Use one hand to pull the buttocks apart and hold the skin taut.
- Shave the area very slowly and carefully using small strokes.
- Rinse well and pat dry.
Waxing removes the entire hair from the root to the tip, which usually allows a person to remain hairless for longer.
People can purchase waxing kits that allow them to wax at home. However, home waxing can be tricky in this area, so it may be advisable to seek professional help.
Waxing can be very painful and may result in bleeding.
If a person wants to wax at home, they should:
- Shower or bathe in warm water for at least 5 minutes.
- Ensure that the hairs are between one-quarter and three-quarters of an inch long. If the hair is longer, carefully trim it with scissors.
- Prepare the wax according to the package instructions.
- Apply the warm wax and a waxing strip to the skin.
- Wait a few moments for the wax to harden, then quickly pull off the strip in the opposite direction to the hair growth.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all the hair is gone.
- Apply an unscented moisturizing lotion.
If waxing at home, a person should consider
If a reaction does occur, a person should stop using the wax.
Using hair removal creams
Hair removal creams, or depilatories, are an effective way to remove hair. They work by breaking down the protein bonds in hair, causing it to dissolve.
However, as the anus is a sensitive area, depilatories may cause irritation. It is important to choose a sensitive cream, as it will be more suitable for delicate skin. It is also important to do a patch test on another area of skin before applying the cream to the anus.
People should be careful when using hair removal creams and stop using them if they experience any adverse reactions.
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
If a person prefers, they can try trimming their hair instead. It is among the easiest methods for keeping butt hair growth in check.
Trimming also reduces the risk of complications that may arise from shaving or waxing, such as ingrown hairs.
Using an electric shaver or scissors can help decrease the length of the hair. However, these can be very difficult to use near the butt. A person should be extra careful to avoid nicks and cuts.
There are also a few permanent hair removal options that a person can consider if they are sure that they do not want hair on their buttocks anymore.
A professional must perform permanent hair removal techniques.
Electrolysis involves the use of an epilator device, which uses shortwave radio frequencies to damage hair follicles. The frequencies travel through a needle probe into the hair follicle.
Electrolysis often requires more than one appointment. Each appointment can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. The time it takes depends on how large the area of hair removal is.
Its results tend to be permanent, and it may be more cost effective than laser removal.
There are some risks associated with electrolysis, however. The procedure can be uncomfortable, since it uses small needles to administer the shocks. Following the procedure, the skin may also be tender to the touch and may appear red.
Learn more about the differences between electrolysis and laser hair removal here.
Laser removal
Laser removal uses lasers to destroy the hair follicles. Although laser hair removal is not fully permanent, it does significantly reduce hair growth.
A person should find a certified dermatologist for the procedure to minimize potential side effects and risks, such as blistering, scarring, and infections.
During the procedure, a person may experience pain or discomfort. Like electrolysis, the amount of time each appointment will take varies based on the size of the treatment area.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, hair removal may require six sessions or more. Maintenance sessions may also be necessary every so often, to keep the hair from growing back.
Removing hair that grows around the butt has some risks associated with it. Most risks and side effects are mild, however, and should subside on their own with no or limited medical intervention.
However, according to a study in the
As of 2010, people aged 19–34 had a high rate of injuring their pubic regions during hair removal.
Some common risks include:
- nicks or cuts
- sore areas of skin
- bleeding
- infections
- chemical or razor burns
- itchiness
- ingrown hairs
- folliculitis
- rash
Risks can vary based on the method a person uses to remove the hair. No matter which method a person uses, they should follow basic safety practices and seek professional help for removing butt hair if they are not able to do it themselves.
Grooming butt hair is a matter of personal choice. It does not provide any health benefits, but it generally will not cause any harm.
A person may want to consider temporary hair removal if they are not sure if they will like or feel comfortable with the new look. A person should decide for themselves if removing or trimming their butt hair is something they are interested in doing.
Removing butt hair is a personal cosmetic choice. People should not feel pressure from peers or sexual partners if they do not wish to remove butt hair.
There are some risks and side effects associated with hair removal, but they are generally mild and do not usually require medical intervention.
A person should seek professional help if they do not feel comfortable removing the hair on their own.