Researchers believe stress may play a role in a person experiencing IBS due to the connection between the digestive system and the brain, also known as the gut-brain axis.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) describes a group of symptoms that appear together, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation.
Research indicates that approximately
Doctors believe that emotional factors, such as stress, may play a role in a person developing IBS symptoms. This is largely due to the proposed gut and brain connection.
This article will explore whether stress causes or triggers IBS, the relationship between the gut and the brain, the symptoms of IBS, and other causes of IBS. We will also look at treatment options, how a person can manage stress levels, and when to speak with a doctor.
A person may
- respiratory
- cardiovascular
- gastrointestinal
Researchers believe that stress plays a
According to the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, a person with higher levels of perceived stress is more likely to develop IBS.
What the research says
- changing the composition of the gut microbiota
- impairing the function of the intestinal barrier
- impairing the speed, strength, and coordination of the digestive muscles
- dysfunction of the immune and neuroendocrine systems
The combination of these effects can worsen IBS symptoms and may contribute to the symptoms of pain and bowel movement dysfunction.
The 2020 study also demonstrated that stress could
A recent 2022 study on mice indicated that the mice experienced IBS-like symptoms when subjected to psychological stress without any inflammation or changes to the gut.
Researchers still need to explore this in humans to provide conclusive evidence that the effects are consistent with animal studies.
The gut-brain axis is the term doctors use to describe the
Experts believe that the enteric and central nervous systems can communicate with each other. Due to this link, the brain can influence the activities of the gut and vice versa.
2019 research shows that the brain interacts with the gut through various routes, including:
- nerve connections via the autonomic and central nervous systems
- via cytokines of the immune system
- through hormones via the endocrine system
- through the microbiota, intestinal barrier, and intestinal immune response of the gastrointestinal system
A definitive cause of IBS remains
- bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract
- bacterial overgrowth, or a change in the type or number of bacteria in the small intestine
- food allergies and intolerances
- genetics
antibiotics - certain mental health disorders, such as:
- depression
- anxiety
- somatic symptom disorder
A doctor may recommend a variety of treatment options to treat the symptoms of IBS. A person may have to try
Dietary changes
A doctor may recommend that a person make changes to their diet to treat the symptoms of IBS. Dietary changes a doctor may recommend
- eating more fiber,
such as : - avoiding gluten
- following the low FODMAP diet, a special eating plan which includes avoiding eating foods high in certain
carbohydrates that are harder to digest
A doctor may prescribe certain medications to help improve the symptoms of IBS in a person.
To treat diarrhea in IBS, a doctor may prescribe one of the
- loperamide
- rifaximin
- eluxadoline
- alosetron
To treat constipation in IBS, a doctor may prescribe:
To treat abdominal pain, a doctor may prescribe a person:
- antispasmodics, which help reduce muscle spasms in the abdomen
- antidepressants
- peppermint oil capsules
A doctor may
Probiotics are live microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, which provide health benefits
- digesting food
- producing vitamins
- maintaining a healthy microbiota
There are things that a person can do in their daily life to manage stress. Some of these techniques
- deep breathing exercises, which may help reduce cortisol (the main stress hormone in the body) and blood pressure
- meditating
- yoga
- monitoring negative thoughts a person may have
- increasing exercise levels moderately
Mental health therapies
For stress, a person may want to consider certain mental health therapies that may help them manage their stress levels. Some of these therapies include:
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- gut-directed hypnotherapy
- relaxation training
While IBS is a long-term condition, a person should note any symptom changes and seek the advice of a medical professional if symptoms worsen or new symptoms arise.
A person should speak with a doctor if they
- worsening abdominal pain
- unexplained weight loss
- diarrhea during the night
- bleeding in the rectum or blood in the stool
IBS is a group of symptoms that may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation. Research shows that stress may trigger or worsen symptoms of IBS due to the brain-gut axis.
A person may manage the symptoms of IBS with medication, mental health therapies, probiotics, and stress management techniques.
A person should consult a doctor if they experience worsening symptoms or additional symptoms such as sudden weight loss or blood in the rectum or stool.