Colic is a term that people often associate with infants. However, it can affect adults as well. Adults often experience colic as sudden gastrointestinal or urinary pain that becomes less intense over time.

The main symptom of colic in adults is localized pain in the abdomen or urinary tract that comes and goes. Different types of colic can affect adults, including biliary colic, renal colic, and intestinal colic.

Home remedies and medical treatments can help alleviate symptoms. After diagnosis, a doctor can advise on what treatments they recommend based on an individual’s symptoms.

This article outlines the different types of colic in adults, the treatment options available, and more.

An adult holding their stomach in pain due to colic.Share on Pinterest
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Colic occurs when there is an obstruction within a hollow internal body part, such as the intestines, gallbladder, rectum, kidneys, or ureters.

To try to rid the body of the obstruction, the muscles contract vigorously around it, and these spasms cause pain. Some causes of obstructions that lead to colic are gallstones and kidney stones.

A colic episode can last for up to 5 hours, with intense pain that gradually subsides. In some cases, it may last only a few minutes.

People with biliary colic may experience sudden, severe abdominal pain that can last for a few minutes up to 5 hours. The pain occurs in the center of the upper abdomen or just under the ribs on the right-hand side. The pain can also spread to the side or shoulder blade.

Biliary colic happens when a gallstone temporarily blocks one of the bile ducts. These ducts carry bile (digestive fluid) from the gallbladder and liver through the pancreas to the small intestine.

Gallstones are dried and compacted lumps of bile. They form in the gallbladder when bile builds up over time. Gallstones can be as tiny as a grain of sand up to the size of a golf ball. Gallstones are very common and do not cause symptoms for most people.

A biliary colic episode is more likely after a person eats a big meal, especially a fatty one, as more bile is necessary to break down the fat. However, biliary colic can occur at any time.

To diagnose biliary colic, a doctor may ask about the timing, duration, and frequency of the abdominal pain. A doctor might refer a person to a gastroenterologist, who is a doctor specializing in digestive health.

The gastroenterologist may want to conduct an ultrasound scan to confirm the presence of gallstones. If there are many or if they are very large, the doctor might advise surgery to remove the gallbladder to reduce the risk of a more severe obstruction in the future. Nonsurgical options may also be available to help remove or break up gallstones.

Renal colic occurs when kidney stones move through the urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Pain is most likely to occur when a kidney stone blocks the passage of urine from the kidney to the bladder.

Kidney stones are crystal-like lumps of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. They can be similar in size to gallstones — from the size of a grain of sand to the size of a golf ball.

With renal colic, a person may experience pain in the lower abdomen or on the side of the body, between the ribs and hips. This pain can spread to the groin and may accompany nausea, vomiting, and traces of blood in the urine.

The pain of renal colic ranges from mild to intense. Pain can peak around 1 to 2 hours after it first begins.

To diagnose renal colic, a doctor will typically want to identify possible risk factors, such as a family history of kidney stones, dehydration, the use of certain medications, and any renal conditions a person has.

The doctor will also perform an abdominal examination to help evaluate conditions. They will also ask about any problems with urination, such as either starting or maintaining a steady flow.

Intestinal colic occurs due to a blockage or obstruction in the bowel. For example, it may happen due to a partial or complete blockage in the small or large intestine that prevents food, fluids, air, or stool from passing through.

Blockages can be due to:

A person with intestinal colic may experience cramping pains in the stomach that can range from mild to intense.

Other symptoms can include:

Before diagnosing intestinal colic, a doctor may first want to discuss the person’s medical history and perform a physical exam. They may also want to conduct blood tests and imaging tests, such as a CT scan or an X-ray.

To treat episodes of colic at home, a person can try:

  • drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • putting a hot water bottle or warm compress on the painful area to ease discomfort
  • gently rubbing or massaging the affected area

Depending on the type of colic, a doctor may recommend the following treatment options:

  • pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antiemetic medications to help ease the symptoms
  • surgery to remove kidney stones or the gallbladder or to investigate intestinal blockages
  • drugs that dissolve stones
  • shock wave treatment, which can break stones into small fragments

There is evidence to suggest that gallstones and kidney stones run in families. This means that they may not be completely preventable.

However, certain lifestyle changes may help reduce the likelihood of them developing, in turn reducing the risk of adult colic.

Steps that may help prevent adult colic include:

  • drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated
  • avoiding consuming high amounts of salt
  • avoiding foods high in saturated fat
  • maintaining a moderate weight
  • consuming a low-fiber diet at a doctor’s advice, if there is an increased risk of a bowel blockage

A person should contact a doctor if they regularly or consistently experience abdominal pain, particularly if they do not know the underlying cause.

A person with the following symptoms should seek urgent medical attention:

  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
  • abdominal pain that lasts for a long time or is so intense that a person cannot relieve it in any position
  • a high temperature and chills
  • a rapid heart rate
  • an inability to drink without vomiting
  • persistent vomiting
  • blood in stool or urine
  • decreased urine output

What does colic in adults feel like?

Colic in adults can cause abdominal pain or pain in the urinary tract. The location of the pain can depend on the type of colic. For example, upper abdominal pain may be due to biliary colic, while lower abdominal pain may occur due to renal colic.

How can a person soothe colic in adults?

A person can soothe adult colic by staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, gently massaging the area, and taking pain relief medication. A person may also require medical treatment, such as surgery to remove kidney stones.

Colic in adults occurs due to an obstruction inside the body. Biliary colic is due to a gallstone blocking the bile duct. Renal colic can happen when a person has a kidney stone. Intestinal colic is the result of a blockage or obstruction in the bowel.

A person should contact a doctor as soon as they have concerns about colic or a blockage. A doctor can help identify what is causing the obstruction and recommend lifestyle changes or medical interventions, if necessary.