Medicare covers HIV screening, diagnosis, and treatment. The primary treatment options help prevent illness and death from HIV and reduces its transmission.

A person who receives HIV treatment has out-of-pocket costs, such as copayments and deductibles.

This article provides an overview of Medicare’s HIV benefits and describes the specific coverage and costs of each program.

Then, it offers a list of resources that help people pay Medicare costs. Lastly, it discusses HIV and its treatment.

Glossary of Medicare terms

We may use a few terms in this article that can be helpful to understand when selecting the best insurance plan:

  • Out-of-pocket costs: An out-of-pocket cost is the amount a person must pay for medical care when Medicare does not pay the total cost or offer coverage. These costs can include deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, and premiums.
  • Deductible: This is an annual amount a person must spend out of pocket within a certain period before an insurer starts to fund their treatments.
  • Coinsurance: This is the percentage of treatment costs that a person must self-fund. For Medicare Part B, this is 20%.
  • Copayment: This is a fixed dollar amount a person with insurance pays when receiving certain treatments. For Medicare, this usually applies to prescription drugs.
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Medicare coverage of HIV starts with screenings. It permits one screening per year if a person is between ages 15 to 65, or if an individual is outside of this range but has a higher risk of HIV.

Coverage also includes doctor visits and lab tests for diagnosis. Early diagnosis and treatment are important in lengthening life expectancy.

Once a person receives a diagnosis, Medicare covers all medically necessary treatment. Because a retrovirus causes HIV, antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the main treatment. Although ART does not cure the infection, it slows its progression and makes it manageable.

Medicares Part D coverage for prescription medication extends to any other drugs a doctor may prescribe for a person with HIV. These include those for pain or poor appetite.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, people with HIV have an increased risk of mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety. Medicare covers the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions, too.

Each part of Medicare offers HIV coverage in specific areas.

Original Medicare

Original Medicare comprises Part A, hospitalization insurance, and Part B, medical insurance.

Part A

If a person with HIV requires inpatient care, Part A covers:

  • hospitalization or skilled nursing facility care for a limited time
  • treatments received during a hospital stay
  • hospice care
  • home health services, such as physical therapy

Part B

When someone with HIV needs outpatient care, Part B covers:

  • screenings
  • doctor visits
  • lab tests
  • durable medical equipment (DME)
  • mental health care

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, is the alternative to original Medicare, and it provides the same parts A and B benefits for HIV care. Most plans also include prescription drug coverage, which includes ART medications.

Special Needs Plans (SNPs) are a type of Medicare Advantage plan that tailors benefits for people with certain chronic health conditions, such as HIV.

SNPs customize drug formularies and provider choices to meet the needs of those with the infection.

Part D

Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage, which is available to a person with original Medicare. Formularies in Part D plans include ART drugs.

Someone with a Medicare Advantage plan may not enroll in a Part D plan, but the plans often include prescription drug benefits.


Medigap plans are Medicare supplement insurance in which a person with original Medicare may enroll.

The plans may provide 50 to 100% of parts A and B costs, including those related to HIV diagnosis and treatment.

Below are the out-of-pocket Medicare costs that a person with HIV can expect in 2024.

Part A

The Part A monthly premium is free for most people.

Other costs include:

  • $1,632 deductible for each benefit period
  • $0 coinsurance for days 1 to 60
  • $408 coinsurance per day for days 61 to 90
  • $816 coinsurance per day for days 91 to 150 while using lifetime reserve days
  • After day 150, a person will pay all costs

Part B

Part B costs include:

  • $174.70 standard monthly premium
  • $240 annual deductible
  • 20% coinsurance

Screening involves no cost if someone meets the eligibility requirements.

Medicare Advantage

Costs of Medicare Advantage plans include deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and monthly premiums.

The costs vary among the types of plans and the companies that offer them.

Part D

As with Medicare Advantage plans, Part D costs include deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and monthly premiums.

The costs differ with the plan and the tier in which a drug falls within a formulary.


The only Medigap plan costs are the monthly premiums.

People living with HIV who have a low income may be eligible for the below programs that help pay healthcare costs.

  • Medicaid is a state and federal program that is an important source of coverage for many individuals with HIV.
  • Extra Help provides assistance with the prescription drug costs of Part D, and may offer up to $5,900 worth of help per year.
  • Medicare Savings Programs help pay various out-of-pocket Medicare costs for people who meet the eligibility requirements.

HIV is a retrovirus destroys immune cells, which weakens the immune system that helps fight infections and certain diseases.

Stage 1

After people contract HIV, they may experience flu-like symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks. This is called stage 1, or the acute stage, a time in which the infection is very contagious.

The symptoms last a few days to a few weeks and include:

Stage 2

Following the acute stage, a person with HIV enters stage 2, or the chronic stage.

During this time, someone may not have any symptoms. The rate at which this stage progresses varies, but the period may last 10 years or longer if an individual does not take HIV treatment.

Stage 3

Without treatment, a person with HIV may develop AIDS, which is stage 3 HIV.

People living with stage 3 HIV, or AIDS, have severe immune system damage and may develop opportunistic infections.

Without HIV treatment or antiretroviral therapy, the survival rate is typically 3 years. However, with current treatment options, stage 3 rarely develops.

Doctors recommend that every person with HIV start treatment, ART, as soon as possible after diagnosis.

The goal of ART is to reduce levels of the virus in the blood and bodily fluids to an undetectable level. This enables the immune system to produce more cells that fight infections.

Treatment can keep someone healthy for many years. It can also lower the risk of transmission to others.

Usually, ART is a combination of 3 to 4 medications, but can sometimes contain 2 medications. There are eight classes of ART that attack the infection in different ways. The same treatment does not affect every person with HIV in the same way, so if a combination is not working well, a doctor will change it.

The ART drugs may produce side effects, such as:

Medicare covers all medically necessary treatment for a person with HIV. The main treatment and standard of care for HIV is ART.

These medications decrease the amount of HIV in the blood and can subsequently lead to an undetectable HIV level. This can help the immune system to work better. ART treatment helps people living with HIV to live a healthy life.

A Medicare beneficiary needs to have prescription drug coverage for ART.

A person with original Medicare may receive the treatment with a Part D plan, while someone with a Medicare Advantage plan may receive this coverage with a type of plan that includes drug benefits.