EpiPens are used to treat severe allergic reactions. An EpiPen may not be safe or effective to use after its expiration date. It is unclear how long an EpiPen will continue to work once it expires. Refilling your EpiPen annually is the best way to keep it current.
An EpiPen is an epinephrine auto-injector (EAI), which delivers epinephrine for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can be life threatening without prompt treatment.
It is important to check the expiration dates of medications, particularly ones for treating an emergency. When past this date, some medications may not be safe or effective.
This article looks at how long you may be able to use an EpiPen after the expiration date, signs to look for in an expired pen, and whether you can use an expired pen in an emergency.
A 2019 study conducted in vitro (in a test tube) looked at how long 46 EpiPens and generic EAIs contained their full amount of epinephrine after their expiration dates.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deems an EAI to be expired when levels of the active ingredient epinephrine fall below 90%.
The study found that 6 months after the labeled expiration date, the EAIs retained 100% of epinephrine. Even 1 year after the expiration date, the EAIs retained at least 95% of epinephrine. Up to 30 months after the expiration date, all EAIs retained at least 90% epinephrine.
The study also noted other research with similar findings, with EAIs retaining at least 90% of epinephrine up to 24 months after the expiration date. This data may suggest that with proper storage, EpiPens may last longer than their labeled expiration date.
However, it is important to remember that this was a test tube study. Researchers did not test whether the expired EpiPens would still be effective at stopping an emergency anaphylactic reaction.
The FDA sets the expiration date to ensure a product maintains quality, strength, and purity for the duration of its shelf life. Because it’s not known whether an expired EpiPen can stop anaphylaxis, it is not advisable to use the drug past its expiration date.
Additionally, epinephrine is not as chemically stable as other medications. It may break down past its expiration date or without proper storage, lessening its effectiveness. Epinephrine can also oxidize easily, which may cause the medication to degrade or become impure, altering how effective it is.
Ultimately, refilling your EpiPen each year is the best way to ensure the potency of the active ingredient epinephrine in case you need it.
What does an expired EpiPen look like?
An expired EpiPen may not look any different than one that is current or in date. To check your EpiPen’s expiration date, you can find it on the pen itself and the medication packaging.
In some cases, if an EpiPen is past its expiration date, it may show signs of decay. These can include:
- discoloration, such as pinkish or yellowish hues
- cloudiness
- the presence of particles
The liquid inside an EpiPen should be clear and colorless. Do not use an EpiPen if there are any changes to the appearance of the medication.
As soon as you inject an EpiPen, epinephrine begins to work right away, but it may take 5 to 10 minutes for the drug to take effect fully. Epinephrine begins to wear off in the body within 20 to 30 minutes of injecting.
The effects of epinephrine may wear off before an allergic reaction has subsided completely. After using an EpiPen for an allergic reaction, you should get emergency medical care. It’s possible that an allergic reaction could return, and you may need further medical treatment.
For more information about how long EpiPen lasts in the body, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.
Whenever possible, it is safest to avoid using an expired EpiPen, as it may not be as effective as a current or up-to-date one. There is a risk that it may not work properly when needed for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions.
After you have replaced an expired EpiPen, you can dispose of the expired one by:
- placing it in a sharps disposal container
- placing it in the back box at a pharmacy, doctor’s office, or hospital
- searching for local disposal options here
Currently, there is no approved form of an expired EpiPen exchange, in which people exchange an expired EpiPen for a new one.
In short, no. An EpiPen may not be safe or effective to use after its expiration date. Once expired, an EpiPen may no longer work for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions. Refilling your EpiPen each year is the best way to keep your EpiPen current and ensure effectiveness.
There’s no guarantee that an expired EpiPen will be safe or effective to treat an emergency allergic reaction. Be proactive, and check the expiration date on your EpiPen by finding it on the pen itself or the medication packaging. Make a plan to refill your prescription before it expires.
If you have any questions or concerns about using or refilling your EpiPen, you can talk with a doctor or pharmacist.