Shallots belong to the Allium genus of vegetables, which also includes onions, garlic, scallions, leeks, and chives. Other than garlic, any Allium vegetable can substitute shallots as they have a similar flavor profile.

People use shallots raw in salads or for a broad spectrum of cooked dishes. The flavor is similar to onions but somewhat sweeter and milder, and they also have a faint garlic bite.

There are times when a person needs to look outside the Allium genus for a shallot substitute. For example, if someone has an allergy to these vegetables, they could use carrots or celery instead. These aromatic vegetables impart flavor to a dish even though they do not taste similar to shallots.

An individual with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who may experience gas from eating shallots could substitute them with carrots.

In this article, we look at the potential substitutes for shallots. We also examine the health benefits of shallots and other Allium vegetables.

A caregiver and child shopping in a supermarket for shallot substitutes.Share on Pinterest
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People may not always have shallots on hand, or they may have health reasons for wanting to avoid them. A person could substitute shallots with the following vegetables:

Yellow onions

Yellow onions have a stronger flavor than shallots, but they usually make a suitable replacement. A person can substitute a chopped onion in a 1:1 ratio, so if a recipe calls for 1 cup of shallots, 1 cup of chopped onions should work fine.

Red onions

When a recipe lists raw shallots, red onions are a good substitute. The flavor of red onions is milder than the yellow and white varieties, so of the three types of onions, its taste most closely resembles shallots.


Scallions, or green onions, are another suitable substitute for raw shallots. The flavor of the white part near the base is more similar to shallots than the green part.


Leeks are a suitable replacement for shallots, as the flavor is between onions and garlic. As with onions, an individual may substitute leeks in a 1:1 ratio. It is best to use the green rather than the white part.

Garlic scapes

Although garlic is too strong to work as a shallot substitute, garlic scapes work well. These are the curly green leaves that grow above ground as garlic develops in the soil. They have a mild flavor, but they are too pungent to use in a 1:1 ratio. Some cooks recommend decreasing the amount by one-quarter before using it as a substitute.


Chives have a delicate onion flavor. Cooks may use them as a replacement for shallots, but they need to increase the amount.


Celery can substitute shallots when a person needs to choose from flavorings outside the Allium genus. The taste is not similar, but it is an aromatic vegetable that imparts a pleasant flavor when cooked and adds an appealing crunch when raw. A person should use one to two medium celery stalks in place of one large shallot.


Another option outside the Allium genus, carrots are an aromatic vegetable that enhance the flavor of many dishes, such as soups and stews when cooked. When eaten raw, they add crunch.

When looking for a substitute for shallots to use in salads, red onions or scallions are ideal. Yellow onions and leeks are appropriate for cooked dishes.

Sometimes a person may need a substitute outside the Allium genus for health reasons. For instance, someone with an allergy to one vegetable within the genus may have an allergy to all of them. Celery or carrots can work well in these circumstances.

Additionally, Allium vegetables produce gas, which may cause people with IBD to experience bloating or other intestinal symptoms. Carrots are vegetables that produce little gas, so they are a good choice for these individuals.

Research indicates Allium vegetables have many health benefits.


An older 2011 study reports that the health benefits of shallots include:

  • fighting fungal infections
  • fighting bacterial infections
  • helping prevent ulcers in the stomach lining
  • helping protect cells from damage and preventing disease through antioxidant properties

The study used test-tube experiments to investigate the value of shallots for treating cancer and inflammation. Analysis of the data indicated promise for treating cancer, but animal and human studies are necessary to verify the results. The authors concluded that shallots also have anti-inflammatory properties that warrant further research.


Research in 2015 reported on the health benefits of onions. It noted that compounds in onions could have health benefits, such as:

  • fighting cancer
  • helping prevent blood clots
  • fighting bacterial infections
  • relieving asthma


A 2020 review looked at human studies that explored the effects of garlic. It found limited evidence that garlic may offer benefits for neurodegenerative disorders, such as:

Leeks, chives, or yellow onions make good shallot substitutes in cooked dishes. Red onions or scallions are a suitable replacement for the vegetable in raw dishes.

While aromatic vegetables outside the Allium genus do not have a flavor similar to shallots, they are substitute options for people with particular health needs. Individuals with an onion allergy may use carrots or celery, and those who experience gas symptoms when eating Allium vegetables may use carrots.

Research suggests shallots and other Allium vegetables may have an array of health benefits. More studies are necessary to verify early encouraging results.