Many home remedies can help treat tired legs, including leg elevation, switching positions, and compression socks. See a doctor for aches and pains that do not go away with rest.

Many people will experience the feeling of tired legs at one point or another. The lower body carries the weight of the upper body, and sitting or standing for a long time can cause the legs to feel tired and heavy. A variety of underlying factors can also cause leg discomfort.

Anyone who has chronically tired legs should seek a diagnosis in case treatment is necessary.

In this article, we look at the possible causes of this symptom, as well as the treatments and home remedies.

a woman holding her legs because they are tired from runningShare on Pinterest
A person may experience tired legs after vigorous exercise.

A person who has tired legs may also experience leg pain, cramping, and soreness. If a person occasionally has tired legs, they may be able to resolve the symptoms easily with rest or gentle movement.

If the heaviness involves additional symptoms, is out of the ordinary, and has no apparent cause, it may be the result of a condition that requires treatment.

Here are some of the possible causes for tired and heavy legs:

Too much exercise

It can be normal for the legs to feel tired after vigorous exercise, especially when a person works out more than they would usually.

Without proper rest, muscles, including those in the lower body, are unable to recover properly. Working out too hard or without proper rest may lead to a feeling of tired, heavy legs.

Proper rest reduces the chance of health issues and undue stress on the body.

People who stand all day for work are also at risk for leg-related symptoms, including tired, heavy legs. If possible, these individuals should take frequent breaks to rest their legs and avoid overuse.

Too little exercise

Limited movement can also cause leg fatigue. People who sit all day or take time off from exercise may experience heaviness in their legs.

Resuming activity or taking breaks to stand and walk throughout the day can help.

Restless leg syndrome

People with restless leg syndrome experience uncomfortable sensations in the legs, such as aching, throbbing, and the urge to move these limbs. The condition often occurs at night and disrupts sleep.

Moving the legs can provide temporary relief and resolve the discomfort.


Too much exercise or inadequate stretching of the muscles can lead to cramping in the legs. Cramping can range from a small tic to severe pain, and the legs may feel tired and heavy.

People with cramping should rest until it goes away. If cramping persists or occurs frequently, they should seek medical help.

Varicose veins

People with varicose veins may experience heavy, tired legs.

Those with this condition have veins that do not adequately circulate blood. When blood does not circulate properly, it begins to pool, causing the veins to swell.

The following home remedies can help with varicose veins:

  • doing regular exercise
  • elevating the legs
  • wearing compression stockings

People whose symptoms do not improve should make an appointment with their doctor.


When a person is low in potassium, they may experience hypokalemia which can cause:

  • weakness
  • cramps
  • constipation
  • fatigue
  • excessive thirst and need to urinate

Some medications may cause hypokalemia. A doctor can verify whether drugs or an underlying condition is the cause.

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)

People with CVI have weak veins and valves, which lead to poor circulation. Those with the condition may experience leg tiredness, swelling, and varicose veins.

Researchers have associated prolonged standing, such as for work, with an increased risk of CVI, as standing strains the body’s veins.

Other risk factors for CVI include:

  • poor diet
  • obesity
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • pregnancy
  • aging

For people who have no other complications, the treatment for CVI usually involves compression therapy, such as wearing compression stockings.


Pregnancy can cause leg swelling, which can be uncomfortable and lead to tiredness in the lower body. Leg swelling is the result of:

  • fluid retention
  • the growing womb increasing pressure in the veins
  • hormonal changes

Anyone with sudden or severe swelling during pregnancy should seek medical help, as it may be a sign of preeclampsia.


Obesity is a medical condition that occurs when a person carries excess weight or body fat. People with obesity may experience tired, heavy legs.

Added weight puts pressure on the joints, tendons, and muscles in the lower body.

People with obesity have lower relative muscle strength in their legs than those without this condition. This lack of relative strength can cause the leg muscles to feel weak and tired.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD)

PAD is a circulatory issue that affects the body’s veins and arteries. Symptoms begin when fat clogs the arteries and blocks blood flow.

PAD symptoms, including tired limbs and aching muscles, are common in the legs because PAD can limit circulation in the lower body.

The following are risk factors for PAD:

  • high cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • smoking
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • lack of physical activity

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

People with MS commonly experience muscle fatigue, including in the legs.

MS fatigue occurs because of impaired nerve signaling between the brain and muscles.

People with MS may also have the following symptoms:

  • bladder control issues
  • muscle pain and spasms
  • numbness and tingling
  • vision problems
  • sexual dysfunction
  • dizziness and balance problems
  • issues with focus, memory, and concentration

Anyone who suspects that they have MS should see a doctor for a diagnosis.

People can try the following home remedies to relieve their symptoms until they receive a diagnosis and treatment plan from a doctor:

  • Leg elevation: Elevating the legs makes it easier for the heart to pump blood to them.
  • Switching positions: People who sit or stand all day can try taking breaks to relieve tired, heavy legs. Changing positions more often can improve blood circulation and reduce fatigue.
  • Limiting salt intake: Cutting down on salt may decrease swelling in the legs that is due to excess salt and fluid retention.
  • Using compression socks: Compression socks or stockings can help increase blood flow in the lower body. People who sit or stand all day and are unable to take frequent breaks may benefit from trying compression stockings to relieve the symptoms of tired legs.
  • Quitting smoking: As smoking can reduce circulation in the body and cause symptoms such as tired legs, stopping may provide some relief.
  • Losing weight: People with overweight or obesity may find that losing extra pounds reduces pressure on the legs, which can help relieve tiredness.
  • Exercising: Regular physical activity helps increase blood circulation and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

People can schedule rest days after vigorous exercise to prevent overtraining, which can also cause tired legs.

It is normal for people to have tired, heavy feeling legs occasionally. A person may experience aches and pains for several reasons, including exercise, inactivity, and work habits.

If the tired feeling does not go away with rest and involves other symptoms, a person should see their doctor for a checkup.

Depending on the root cause of a person’s leg tiredness, a doctor may recommend lifestyle changes or recommend or prescribe:

  • physical therapy
  • compression stockings
  • medication

Tired legs are a normal part of life. People can experience tired, heavy legs after strenuous exercise or a long day sitting or standing at work. People may find that the discomfort resolves with rest or home remedies.

If a person’s legs feel tired all the time, and the feeling does not ease with rest and home remedies, it is advisable to see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan.