Dr. David Steenblock of Mission Viejo, California, a pioneer in clinical applications of stem cells, is pleased to report the results of a 16 year old girl who suffered from cerebral palsy. The patient had right side paralysis and spasticity since birth. The procedure consisted of removing 300 milliliters of bone marrow from her hip and giving it back to her intravenously. Five hours after the raw bone marrow infusion, E.H. was able to move her right toe for the first time in her life. That evening, she was able to walk, stepping heel to toe on her right foot. By the next day, she was able to straighten out and use her right arm and wrist for the first time. Within three weeks, she was also able to move her fingers on her right hand and hold a cup for the first time.

"This has been the easiest and most successful treatment she has ever received!" The happy mother exclaimed.

The dramatic success of this procedure will increase the options for cerebral palsy treatments. Contained within a patient's own bone marrow are stem cells, which when given back to the same person intravenously, can migrate to injured areas and repair tissue(s) that are damaged, even if the damage occurred over sixteen years ago.

Source: Personalized Regenerative Medicine