The human papilloma virus (HPV) causes the skin problem of warts. This HPV is present in millions of people around the world and many of them will live out their lives never knowing that they carry the virus nor having a wart appear. Many others will develop warts mostly on the hands but they can appear anywhere. Most people consider warts to be unsightly and so there is often a social stigma attached. Therefore many people seek treatment for them and many have found a natural healing product to be helpful for such treatment.

There are more than 80 strains of HPV and many of these are responsible for the different warts with individual symptoms as set out below:

Common warts - the most common strain and these warts occur all over the body except the feet and genitals. They are often seen in older children and adults. They are tall cylindrical protrusions of skin which if big enough are noticeable. Common warts cannot be spread unless through wounds and then the wart has to physically touch the wound.

Flat warts - these mostly appear on the face, neck, legs and knees as well as other areas. They usually affect the faces of men and the legs and armpits of young women. They are common in young children where they often appear on the face. They are as small as pinheads and can occur in their hundreds.

Digitate warts - usually appear on the scalp or near the hair line. They are rough and finger shaped.

Perlungual warts - commonly occur around the fingernails. They are also rough but irregular and elevated. They can extend under the nails causing pain and discomfort and can also occur in clusters.

Filiform warts - these are long and narrow and usually seen on the eyelids, face, neck or lips.

All the above warts are not sexually transmitted and there is only a slim chance that people can contract such warts through unsanitary conditions. Warts are a very common dermatological complaint affecting 75% of people during their lives. When HPV invades the skin, it causes the skin cells to grow rapidly thus forming the wart. In children, the areas on the body prone to minor injury such as hands, elbows and knees provide a break in the skin where it is easy for the virus to enter.

This virus usually only invades those that have limited immunity against the virus and therefore, those who are more susceptible to HPV are children, teenagers, the elderly and anyone who is run down or suffering from an immune deficiency. However, even medical science is not sure why some people get warts and others do not and why some people can fight off warts without any treatment while others need extensive treatment. The wart virus is found everywhere and is infectious so early treatment is recommended.

Amoils offers all natural treatments for common conditions and ailments using essential oils. Visit our Warts page for more information.