Medical Advisor

Daniel Wiznia, MD

Dr. Daniel Wiznia is an ABMS board certified orthopedic surgeon at Yale Medicine who specializes in total joint replacement and avascular necrosis/osteonecrosis of the femoral head. He is an associate professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation at Yale School of Medicine and is also an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science. He specializes in core decompression stem cell therapies, robotic total joint replacement, and computer navigation.


  • Yale University, BS
  • Cornell University Weill Cornell Medical College, MD


  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery – Orthopaedic Surgery

Professional Accomplishments

  • Fellow of the NYU Langone Medical Center Adult Reconstructive Fellowship Program
  • Fellow of the Insall Scott Kelly® Institute (ISK®) Adult Reconstruction Fellowship Program
  • Director of technology and innovation in general orthopedics at Yale Medicine



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