The first symptom relief drug specifically for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) has been licensed by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency).

'Sativex' is an oral spray made using cannabis extract and is used to help alleviate MS symptoms of spasticity.

The treatment, which is been rigorously trialled over the last six years, can be prescribed by MS specialists and should be delivered as part of a multi - disciplinary symptom management programme, which includes regular physiotherapy and assessments by occupational therapists.

Ed Holloway, Head of Care & Services Research at the MS Society said: "Sativex can help alleviate one of the most distressing symptoms of MS and its licensing is good news for people with progressive forms of the condition for whom drugs and therapies are sparse. We'd like to see it made available to anybody who might benefit."

It's thought the treatment is only effective in around 40% of people who take it and it becomes clear within a matter of weeks if it's not working.

Click here for more information on Sativex.

Multiple Sclerosis Society