The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is warning people of the dangers of taking unlicensed Payouji tea and Pai You Guo Slim Capsules due to concerns over possible side effects.

These herbal products are being promoted for weight loss and have been found to contain an undeclared pharmaceutical active ingredient, sibutramine.

Sibutramine has been withdrawn in the European Union on safety grounds and any product containing it is considered harmful to public health.

Uncontrolled use of sibutramine can result in serious side effects such as high blood pressure, seizures, heart attack or stroke. It may also interact with other prescription medication.

Anyone who is currently using Payouji tea or Pai You Guo Slim Capsules should stop taking it and consult their healthcare professional immediately with the details contained in these products.

MHRA Head of Herbal Policy, Richard Woodfield, said, "People need to be aware that Payouji tea and Pai You Guo Slim Capsules are unlicensed herbal medicines and therefore have not met assured standards".

Registered and licensed herbal medicines can be identified by the Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) on the label.

Any side effects to herbal products can be reported to the MHRA via the Yellow Card Scheme (external link).


1. Standards of safety and manufacture vary widely in the unlicensed herbal sector and the MHRA has issued a number of warnings about unlicensed herbal medicines and traditional Chinese medicines. Under the UK Traditional Herbal Registration Scheme, introduced in 2005, manufactured over the counter traditional herbal medicines are required to meet standards of safety, quality and patient information. For further information, please see the section on Using herbal medicines: Advice to consumers
