Drinking silicon-rich mineral water may reduce aluminium levels in people with Alzheimer's, which could allow us to measure the effects of aluminium on the disease, according to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

This small study by Keele University took place over 12 weeks with 29 participants, 15 of whom had Alzheimer's disease. The participants were asked to drink one litre of silicon-rich mineral water a day, and levels of aluminium and cognitive function were measured. Results showed that in some participants, drinking the water reduced the levels of aluminium in the body.

Alzheimer's Society comment:

'Although we do not yet know exactly what causes Alzheimer's disease, research suggests there are a combination of different risk factors. New research methods such as those in this study may be useful in measuring a variety of factors and their effects.

'The best way to reduce your risk is to combine healthy eating with regular exercise. For those with a diagnosis of the condition, gentle exercise and a good diet including green leafy vegetables, oily fish, nuts and foods low in saturated fat may also help maintain cognitive ability.'