Androsexual people have an attraction to perceived masculinity. People of any gender identity or sexual orientation may identify as androsexual.

A note on identity definitions

Medical News Today uses definitions of sexual, romantic, and gender identities that come from LGBTQIA+ and ally sources.

However, it is important to note that these identities are personal, and people may define them differently. Always refer to a person’s sexual, romantic, or gender identity the same way the person describes it.

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This article looks at the characteristics people may have if they are androsexual, tips on telling others about sexual orientation, resources, and how to be an ally.

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According to GLAAD, androsexual is a term people may use to describe those who are primarily attracted to perceived masculinity, either sexually, aesthetically, or romantically.

Masculinity refers to how a person externally presents themselves via the way they look or behave. However, it is important to note that society typically dictates what people consider masculine, which changes over time and can vary depending on a person’s culture.

People may also use the term androphilic to mean the same as androsexual.

Anybody of any gender identity or sexual orientation can identify as androsexual.

Cisgender is a gender identity, performance, or gender role that society perceives to match the sex assigned at birth. Heterosexual is a sexual orientation in which a person is attracted to others who have a different gender identity to their own.

A cisgender heterosexual woman is a person who:

  • was assigned female at birth
  • identifies as a woman
  • is attracted to men

Androsexuality refers to an attraction to perceived masculinity. Regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, anyone can identify as androsexual. For example, a person who identifies as lesbian and androsexual may be attracted to other women who present as masculine.

People may find the term androsexual more applicable to them than other terms, such as heterosexual, gay, or lesbian.

People may be androsexual if they are attracted to males, men, or masculinity.

Attraction may take a range of forms, such as:

  • sexual attraction
  • aesthetic, which means a person is attracted to another’s appearance
  • emotional attraction
  • romantic attraction

People of any gender and sexual orientation can be androsexual. People can have an attraction to any gender identity and to people with masculine qualities or gender expression.

It is up to each individual how, when, or if they choose to tell people about their sexual orientation.

Each person will have different experiences, and people should do what feels best for them with where they are in their lives.

If a person intends to tell others about their sexual orientation, people may wish to plan ahead. It may be beneficial to take some time to think about what, when, where, and how they want to say it.

If a person is unsure of how others may react upon being told, they may want to discuss LGBTQIA+ issues with them first to gauge their reaction.

A person can also ask a friend, family member, or another person they trust to stay with them during the conversation.

What to do if the conversation does not go well

If people tell others about their sexual orientation and they have a negative response, it may feel difficult to deal with. It is important to remember that it is not the fault of the person sharing their identity if another person has a negative response.

People can connect with the LGBTQ+ community online, through social media, or through local support groups, which may make people feel less alone and more supported.

If people feel unsafe or are in distress after a negative response, they can contact a helpline at any time, such as through The Trevor Project.

People may find the following resources helpful in offering support, advice, networks, and learning resources:

  • The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project provides a range of resources, an online community for young LGBTQIA+ people, and a 24/7 helpline.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The CDC provides a list of resources for LGBTQIA+ youth and their loved ones.
  • The Safe Zone Project: The Safe Zone Project provides a list of resources for LGBTQIA+ people and allies.

To support people who are androsexual and be an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community, people can take the following steps:

  • Avoid making assumptions about people’s gender identities and sexual orientations.
  • Understand how unconscious beliefs and biases can be harmful.
  • Be intentionally inclusive with social groups, use of pronouns, and terminology.
  • Speak up if a situation requires it, such as offensive or ignorant comments against LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Educate others on LGBTQIA+ issues and terminology.
  • Listen or learn about the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Learn about intersectionality and marginalized groups within the LGBTQIA+ community and how to support them.
  • Support campaigns or policies promoting LGBTQIA+ equality.

A person who is androsexual is attracted to perceived masculinity, which can include the way a person looks and acts. People of any gender identity or sexual orientation can be androsexual.

Although the term implies a sexual attraction, it may be a romantic, aesthetic, sensual, or emotional attraction as well or instead.

People may want to tell others about their sexual orientation, or they may want to use the term for their own benefit. People can support androsexual people by listening to their experiences and respecting their identity.

LGBTQIA+ resources

To discover more evidence-based health information and resources for LGBTQIA+ individuals, visit our dedicated hub.

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