Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may force people to strain while passing stool. This could lead to testicular injury, causing dull, aching, or burning pain.

IBS is a gastrointestinal condition that causes abdominal pain, discomfort, and changes in bowel habits. Symptoms include bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.

Some people with IBS report testicular pain. This article looks at the possible connection between these conditions. It discusses the causes of testicular pain and how it might feel. It also outlines the diagnosis, treatment, and outlook for testicular pain.

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According to a 2023 review, having IBS is a risk factor for testicular pain. This means that people with IBS have a higher risk of testicular pain.

Scientists remain unsure about the connection between IBS and testicular pain. Testicular pain is unlikely to be a symptom of IBS but could be a complication.

The connection between IBS and testicle pain may happen in the following ways:

Muscle straining

Some people with IBS may find themselves straining when trying to pass stool. This can happen when IBS leads to periods of constipation. This straining might cause damage to the testicles, leading to pain.

However, scientists have not confirmed this link.

Learn about IBS with constipation.


Scientists define varicoceles as enlarged veins within the scrotum. Research has shown that they can cause testicular pain. However, it remains unclear exactly why varicoceles develop.

There is no clear connection between varicocele and IBS. An older study from 2011 concluded that chronic constipation is a facilitator factor for varicocele, but no recent research supports this.


As the United Kingdom’s National Health Service explains, straining while passing stool could cause an inguinal hernia. This is when part of an internal organ forces its way through a muscle into the groin. Doctors must operate on the groin to treat an inguinal hernia, and this surgery can lead to testicular pain.

However, this is a tenuous connection. Doctors consider hernias relatively unrelated to IBS.

Read about hernia types and treatments.

Testicular pain happens for many reasons, including:

Less commonly, testicular pain can arise from diabetes, abdominal aneurysm, and an overactive bladder.

Testicular pain may:

  • worsen with sitting, sexual activity, and exercise
  • occur only when there is some pressure on the testicles
  • occur only when walking or stooping
  • be dull, aching, or burning

Testicular pain may also come with pain in other body parts.

Learn about performing a testicular self-exam.

To diagnose the cause of testicular pain, a doctor may order the following tests:

Diagnosing the cause of testicular pain can be challenging. On average, individuals with chronic testicular pain will require around five to seven diagnostic sessions before doctors can establish a cause.

There are many possible treatments for testicular pain, depending on the underlying cause. The following treatments may help ease a person’s pain:

In some cases, doctors may recommend surgery to address the underlying cause of the pain.

Anyone with ongoing testicular pain should seek a doctor’s advice. Testicular pain could indicate a serious condition that requires prompt treatment.

It may be useful to note down symptoms when they occur. This can help doctors understand what a person is experiencing. A doctor may ask about:

  • when the pain typically occurs
  • how the pain feels
  • any other symptoms

If someone experiences testicular pain and any of the following symptoms, they should seek immediate medical attention:

The outlook for people with testicular pain varies depending on its underlying cause. Although the pain can be unpleasant, it does not always indicate a serious condition.

Testicular pain is a symptom of testicular cancer. Although this condition can be life threatening, surgical removal of the testicles is an effective treatment. According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year survival rate for testicular cancer is 95%.

Learn about other symptoms of testicular cancer.

IBS is a gastrointestinal condition that can cause abdominal pain and bowel-related symptoms. Some people with IBS also experience testicular pain.

Testicular pain has many causes, ranging from cancer to infection. Scientists do not fully understand the relationship between IBS and testicular pain.

People can try home remedies or over-the-counter pain medications to manage testicular pain. If pain is persistent, a person should discuss it with a doctor.