Some people can help ease their tinnitus by taking dietary supplements such as magnesium. This supplement may reduce tinnitus symptoms in certain cases.

Tinnitus is a hearing condition in which individuals perceive sound that does not have an external source.

About 25 million adults in the United States experience tinnitus each year. This condition can cause the perception of buzzing, hissing, or ringing sounds.

Individuals with tinnitus typically have lower levels of magnesium, so taking magnesium supplements can restore healthy levels of this mineral. They may help reduce or eliminate tinnitus symptoms.

This article explores whether magnesium can help symptoms of tinnitus. It examines what research says, potential complications, and alternative treatments.

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Healthy levels of magnesium support human hearing, meaning low levels of this mineral can negatively affect it. People with tinnitus tend to have lower than average magnesium levels. These lower levels may be partly responsible for hearing changes.

Research has shown that magnesium supplements can help improve ear function. They may also reduce the symptoms of tinnitus.

Current knowledge on tinnitus remains limited, and health experts do not have a firm understanding of what causes of this condition. Although treatment options exist, there is no single cure for tinnitus.

Taking dietary supplements, such as magnesium, may reduce tinnitus symptoms. However, the effectiveness of this supplement can vary between individuals. To learn more about magnesium for tinnitus, a person can speak with a healthcare professional.

Learn more about tinnitus.

Research has shown that tinnitus involves issues with nerve signaling in the brain. Magnesium supplements may help correct these signaling problems. Restoring typical communication between nerve cells may help address tinnitus symptoms.

Magnesium is also important for producing vitamin D in the body, so a deficit of this vitamin can worsen the symptoms of tinnitus.

Taking magnesium supplements may boost vitamin D production and could help improve tinnitus symptoms in certain cases.

Dietary supplements such as magnesium may be helpful for some people with tinnitus. However, the science behind magnesium for the condition is still in the early stages. If an individual is interested in trying magnesium for tinnitus, they need to consult a healthcare professional first.

The most effective magnesium dosage varies between individuals. Age, sex, and other factors can all influence how much magnesium the body needs.

The following table shows the current recommended dosages for magnesium, according to age and sex.

1-3 years80 mg80 mg
4-8 years130 mg130 mg
9-13 years240 mg240 mg
14-18 years410 mg360 mg
19-30 years400 mg310 mg
31 years and over420 mg320 mg

A person needs to consult with a healthcare professional before taking magnesium supplements.

Although magnesium can decrease tinnitus symptoms for some individuals, it is not suitable for everyone. Magnesium supplements may interact with prescription medications. They may also cause side effects in some cases.

Prescription interactions

Research has found that magnesium can interact with certain prescription medications. It can decrease the amount of oral bisphosphonates that the body absorbs. These osteoporosis medications include the drug alendronate.

Certain antibiotics also interact with magnesium. These include demeclocycline, doxycycline, levofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin. These medications form complexes with magnesium that the body cannot dissolve.

Additionally, taking medications and magnesium a few hours apart can prevent some interactions. A person needs to speak with a healthcare professional before combining magnesium with prescription medications.

Side effects

Most people who take healthy amounts of magnesium do not experience serious side effects. However, taking too much can lead to side effects that include:

Additionally, a severe overdose can lead to magnesium toxicity. Signs of this reaction include

Read about other natural treatments for tinnitus.

There is no single treatment for curing tinnitus. However, there are a number of treatments that may reduce the symptoms of this condition. These include:

To learn more about treating tinnitus, a person can speak with a healthcare professional. They can recommend tailored treatment options for each individual with the condition.

The following are some answers to common questions about magnesium and tinnitus.

Can a lack of magnesium cause tinnitus?

Scientists do not fully understand what causes tinnitus. Potential causes may include noise exposure, ear infections, or head and neck injuries.

Research has found that magnesium may support healthy hearing and that low levels of the substance may worsen tinnitus. Taking magnesium supplements can help address this deficiency. However, the effect of these supplements depends on the individual.

What is the best supplement to reduce tinnitus?

Different individuals respond differently to dietary supplements. Because of this, different supplements may work better for each individual with tinnitus. Supplements that may help with tinnitus include zinc, melatonin, vitamin B12, and ginkgo biloba.

Tinnitus is a condition where people hear sounds that do not have an external source. These sounds may include buzzing, hissing, or ringing in the ears.

The research into tinnitus remains limited, and there is currently no single cure for this condition. However, dietary supplements such as magnesium may provide relief in certain cases. Taking magnesium supplements can boost ear health and reduce some symptoms of tinnitus.

The effects of magnesium on tinnitus can vary between individuals. People can consult a healthcare professional to learn about safety, dosage, and possible side effects.