Research has scientifically proven that using cannabis can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks.

Cannabis contains certain chemicals that research links to an increase in the risk of heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and heart attacks. Regularly using cannabis can change how the heart works and lead to complications, including heart disease.

Using cannabis can cause an immediate rise in blood pressure and heart rate, causing strain on the entire circulatory system. This can deteriorate heart health over time. The smoke a person inhales when smoking cannabis also contributes to damaging the lungs and cardiovascular system by introducing dangerous chemicals into the body.

This article explores the link between cannabis and heart health, how it affects the heart, the effects of smoking, and how people can maintain heart health.

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Cannabis can cause problems with heart health. Researchers have found that daily cannabis users are about 34% more likely to develop coronary artery disease (CAD) than those who do not use the drug.

A study found that daily cannabis users had a 34% increased risk of having heart failure compared to those who reported never using cannabis.

This study also suggested that individuals who develop heart failure due to cannabis use commonly develop CAD as a primary condition, which eventually leads to heart failure.

Harmful substances may be present in cannabis smoke, including cancer-causing compounds known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Immediately after using cannabis, people typically experience a rise in their heart rate and blood pressure. These effects can increase their risk of coronary events and can increase the workload of the heart. Smoking cannabis with tobacco can further increase the risk of CAD and other heart complications.


Using cannabis can be particularly dangerous for people with other underlying conditions that can increase the risk of heart disease or failure. These conditions include diabetes or high cholesterol.

Most people smoke cannabis, often mixing it with tobacco. Smoking cannabis can introduce many harmful substances into the body, similar to tobacco smoke. This can cause many issues within the lungs and the cardiovascular system.

High cholesterol, tobacco smoking, and high blood pressure are three significant risk factors for developing heart disease, regardless of a person’s age group.


The therapeutic use of cannabis can help with several mental and physical conditions, including:

However, cannabis can lead to several adverse effects. People should use cannabis only when a doctor prescribes it. They also need to follow their recommendations strictly when taking cannabis.

Smoking is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. It releases several harmful chemicals into the body. This increases the risk of developing various illnesses, including cancer and CAD.

The chemicals in tobacco make the artery walls sticky, making it easier for fatty material to adhere and cause clogs. This can cause disruptions in the blood flow. If the arteries that bring blood to the heart experience clogging, a heart attack can occur. Heart attacks are life threatening and can also result in many other heart conditions, such as heart failure or atrial fibrillation.

Smoking also increases the risk of blood clots, heart rate, and blood pressure. These three factors can significantly increase the risk of cardiac events and increase the workload of the cardiovascular system.

There are some steps people can take that may help maximize their heart health, such as:

  • Physical exercise: Regularly exercising for 75 minutes of vigorous or 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week can help improve the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system.
  • Managing weight: Obesity can increase the risk of developing heart conditions. Maintaining a moderate weight can decrease the workload of the heart.
  • Eating a balanced diet: Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and limiting the intake of sugary, fatty, and deep-fried foods can help keep low cholesterol levels in the body and prevent clogging in the arteries.
  • Avoiding or quitting smoking: Smoking is a known risk factor for heart disease. Quitting smoking has several health benefits and can reduce the risk of CAD, which applies to both cigarettes and cannabis.
  • Managing other health conditions: Treating other underlying conditions that can cause heart problems, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension, can reduce the risk of CAD.

Cannabis can raise blood pressure and heart rate. Over time, the use of this drug can cause CAD and heart issues. Several studies have found a link between using cannabis and an increase in the risk of heart failure.

Smoking cannabis can introduce harmful chemicals to the body and further increase the risk of heart disease and heart attacks.