Megalophobia describes an intense fear of large objects. Treatment may include behavioral therapies that involve gradual exposure, relaxation techniques, and medication in some cases.

Megalophobia can encompass many objects or situations, from large animals and vehicles to vast spaces like the ocean or expansive landscapes.

This fear can occur due to factors such as traumatic experiences or learned responses to large objects. However, treatments may help people manage their fear and symptoms.

This article explains megalophobia symptoms, causes, treatments, and when to speak with a doctor about this fear.

A person with megalophobia on a street with a large shadow behind them.-1Share on Pinterest
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A phobia involves an intense, irrational fear that is disproportionate to the actual danger an object or situation poses. While fear is a typical response to a perceived threat, a phobia is excessive and persistent.

Megalophobia is a fear of large objects. People may experience the following symptoms in response to large objects:

People may also experience symptoms when they think about large objects.

They may constantly be on the lookout for large objects and go to extreme lengths to avoid encountering them, which may limit their activities, quality of life, and even career choices.

Researchers do not fully understand the causes of specific phobias, such as megalophobia.

However, some of the potential causes and contributing factors include:

  • past traumatic experiences involving a large object or vast space
  • learned behavior from observing the reactions of others
  • genetic factors
  • cultural influences

Diagnosing megalophobia, like other specific phobias, typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by a mental health care professional.

The process aims to identify irrational and excessive fear that significantly affects a person’s daily life.

Initially, a doctor will try to rule out other disorders that could cause similar symptoms, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or schizophrenia.

The diagnosis of megalophobia may follow the criteria for specific phobias in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), including:

  • large objects almost always cause excessive fear or anxiety
  • fear is disproportionate to the actual danger
  • the individual actively avoids large objects
  • symptoms last for at least 6 months

Following a diagnosis, a doctor will help someone develop a tailored treatment plan, which will typically include different types of therapies.

Behavioral therapy is one of the most effective treatments for phobias. This may include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT helps individuals identify and challenge the negative thoughts that contribute to their fear and teaches them coping mechanisms to manage anxiety. CBT can help change how a person thinks about and reacts to large objects.

Behavioral therapies may also involve gradual exposure to the object of fear in a safe environment. This process of desensitization can help an individual manage their feelings of fear and anxiety over time.

A person may also be able to employ the following self-help strategies to manage their fear and other symptoms:

Can medication treat megalophobia?

Medications are not a first-line treatment for phobias, and no medications are specifically approved for treating phobias.

However, certain medications can help manage the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks associated with megalophobia.

These might include:

Deciding when to consult a doctor or mental health professional for phobias like megalophobia involves evaluating how the fear affects a person’s life.

If symptoms of the phobia worsen over time or severely affect quality of life and daily function, people should consult a healthcare professional.

If the fear persists for 6 months or more and does not ease, professional advice may be necessary to address the underlying issues.

When attempts at self-help, such as relaxation techniques, mindfulness, or gradual exposure, do not cause improvements, professional treatment options, including therapy, may help.

Megalophobia is a fear of large objects. It may cause feelings of anxiety and dread or physical symptoms, including shaking, sweating, and shallow breathing, in response to a large object or large open spaces.

Overcoming megalophobia is a process that requires patience, persistence, and often professional guidance.

Treatment does not necessarily aim to eliminate the fear but to reduce it to a level that no longer significantly interferes with the individual’s life.

With adequate support and strategies, many people can manage their phobia effectively.