Weight loss after uterine polyp removal is uncommon. This is partially due to this type of growth typically being too small to lead to noticeable weight changes.

Uterine polyp removal can help with uterine bleeding, infertility, and cancer prevention.

Weight loss that a person can maintain over time involves lifestyle practices, such as eating a nutritious and balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress.

This article discusses whether uterine polyp removal causes weight loss and how polyps affect weight. It also examines the benefits of polyp removal, tips for sustainable weight loss, and what questions to ask a doctor.

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According to Alan Lindemann, MD, an obstetrician and maternal mortality expert, uterine polyp removal does not generally cause weight loss.

“Generally speaking, uterine polyps themselves are too small to make any remarkable weight changes,” he says. “Most of them are about the size of a pencil eraser, but they can become as big as a golf ball.”

Learn more about uterine polyps.

A note about sex and gender

Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to sex assigned at birth. Click here to learn more.

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“Of the tumors in the female genital tract, the uterine polyp is among those which are least likely to cause a change in weight,” says Lindemann. “There is a small correlation between weight gain and the development of uterine polyps, but removing the polyp does not cause or result in weight loss.”

In contrast, other types of growths or growths in other parts of the female genital tract can be larger. “Fibroids — noncancerous smooth muscle tumors of the uterus — can weigh a pound or two,” adds Lindemann. “Ovarian tumors can cause the most weight gain, as they can get up to 25–30 pounds or more.”

A paper from 2019 states that the optimal method of removal is hysteroscopy.

In this procedure, a healthcare professional inserts a thin, lighted tube in the vagina to examine the inside of the uterus. If the procedure shows the presence of a polyp, they can remove it at this time.

There are various benefits of removing uterine polyps.

Reduced bleeding

Atypical uterine bleeding is the most common symptom of uterine polyp. Hysteroscopy is typically highly effective for reducing this.

Improved fertility

Uterine polyps can cause infertility by creating a mechanical obstruction. This can hinder the transport of sperm from reaching the egg.

The polyps also may cause infertility by producing inflammation in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. The inflammation disturbs the implantation of a fertilized egg — embryo — in the uterus.

For these and other reasons, the removal of uterine polyps may increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant and improve fertility.

Decreased cancer risk

Approximately 1% of uterine polyps develop an increased number of cells or transform into cancer. The risk of cancerous transformation increases with obesity, the person’s age, and the size of the polyp. Since polyps are a possible precursor to cancer, removal can reduce the risk.

Read about uterine cancer.

Sustainable weight loss involves a lifestyle of healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management. The gradual loss of 1–2 pounds per week is more likely to result in meeting and maintaining weight loss goals than rapid weight loss.

Healthy eating

Healthy eating entails:

  • making nutritious foods the focus of a diet, which includes:
    • fruits
    • vegetables
    • whole grains
    • fat free and low fat dairy products
  • eating a variety of protein foods, such as:
    • eggs
    • nuts and seeds
    • beans and peas
    • lean meats and poultry
    • seafood
  • avoiding dietary components with links to health issues, including:
    • saturated and trans fat
    • added sugar
    • salt
  • staying within daily calorie recommendations

Learn more about eating a balanced diet.


Experts recommend working up to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This could translate to a 30-minute brisk walk 5 days per week.

An alternative recommendation is 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

In moderate activity, breathing and heart rate are more rapid, but a person is able to carry on a conversation. Conversely, in vigorous activity, breathing and heart rate are too fast to have a conversation.

Learn about exercise and how to start.

Stress management

Because stress can influence eating habits, stress management can enhance efforts to lose weight. A 2021 review offers the below examples of stress-reduction techniques:

Learn more about stress reduction strategies.

An individual may wish to ask a doctor some of the following questions:

  • Do I have uterine polyps? If so, do you recommend their removal?
  • If my polyps are too small to require removal, how often should I make an appointment for their monitoring?
  • Do I need to lose weight? If so, how much?
  • Can you provide a personalized weight loss program for me?
  • Should I consult a dietitian to help devise an eating plan?

Uterine polyp removal does not typically cause weight loss because the growths are generally too small to cause weight changes. However, removal can produce other benefits, including reduced bleeding, improved fertility, and decreased risk of uterine cancer in a small number of people.

Healthy eating and exercise habits that become a way of life are recommended strategies for weight loss. Stress management techniques — such as breathing exercises — may also help, as stress influences eating behaviors.

Gradual weight loss of 1–2 pounds per week is more likely to result in long-term weight management than quick weight loss.

If a person has concerns about uterine polyps or weight loss, they can consult a healthcare professional.