Knowledge Cloud platform EdCast has announced Health.EdCast.Org a new online site for leading healthcare, university and public policy organizations to make available personalized learning about Ebola and the spread and prevention of this deadly disease.

EdCast has appealed to experts on Ebola and its prevention to contribute content to the Health.EdCast.Org portal which allows for social collaboration for users to promote awareness and share best practices with each other. World-class practitioners will monitor and contribute to the site to maintain high quality materials - both in content and discussion topics.

At the core of Health.EdCast.Org is a new cloud-based platform designed by EdCast that, for the first time, brings together multiple universities and organizations to share the latest developments in the search to understand the spread and prevention of Ebola.

"Open education on Ebola is critical for the global community to understand and protect themselves from this devastating disease," said Karl Mehta, Founder & CEO of EdCast. "The new portal is a first in online education because it brings together multiple perspectives from various sources - not all from one university or constituency - to ensure quality content and information."

The course will initially be moderated by Marcel Salathe, Assistant Professor of Biology at the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Penn State University.

"I'm looking forward to contribute to the spread of accurate information on the current Ebola epidemic," said Salathe who has run two popular MOOCs on infectious disease dynamics. "There is too much misinformation out there, and I hope others will join me in curating a repository of trustworthy information as this situation develops."

The educational content on Health.EdCast.Org is optimized by the memory management platform Cerego which provides a personalization layer that enables better learning and retention by boosting the memory strength of users.

"It's crucial that our workforce, as well as the general public, be well-informed," said Andrew Smith Lewis, Co-founder and Executive Chairman of Cerego. "Through this integration with EdCast, we hope to help easily commit essential information to memory for people fighting the battle against Ebola around the world."