Do humans emit irresistible 'sex pheromones'? Sadly, there's no robust science behind the claims from commercial websites. The molecule, androstadienone, was proposed without evidence in 1991 by a corporation interested in patenting it. Lots of scientists' time has been lost studying it.

Humans may indeed have pheromones but to find them scientists will need to start again properly, using rigorous methods already proven successful in pheromone research on other mammals. The first success might not be a sex pheromone but rather a nipple secretion produced by all nursing mothers, which stimulates suckling by any baby.

Article: The search for human pheromones: the lost decades and the necessity of returning to first principles, Tristram D. Wyatt, , DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2994, published 4 March 2015.