Depression can make it tough to enjoy life, especially when feelings of despair and hopelessness always persist. Blogs can put you in touch with health professionals, associations, and individuals who are sharing a similar experience. We have selected the best depression blogs.

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It can be helpful for people with depression to read about people who are sharing similar experiences.

Depression is fairly common, affecting more than 15 million adults in the United States. Depression is also the leading cause of disability among U.S. individuals aged 15 to 44 years.

With treatment and support, most individuals with depression can fully recover. Eating a healthful diet and partaking in physical activity can make a significant difference to your recovery time, as well as improving your general health.

Many organizations offer support groups, counseling, and other resources that may help with depression. It is important that you try to participate in social activities to avoid becoming isolated.

Medical News Today have located the 10 best depression blogs that help to connect you with others that are sharing their experiences while facing similar challenges, educate you on the most effective ways to relax and manage your stress, and provide useful tips and information on how to cope with depression.

Talkspace is a platform that offers online therapy for all. Anyone can get access to therapy with a licensed therapist without having to travel, and for less money than traditional therapy. Their mission is to provide more people with convenient, accessible, and affordable therapy to help those in need live a healthier and happier life.

Talkspace is a place where individuals can overcome their day-to-day challenges in a stigma-free environment. Therapists can be contacted through text messages, audio messages, and picture and video messages in a private, text-based chatroom.

The depression blog offers posts such as how depression strengthened a father’s relationship with his son, how to deal with depression when it’s not just seasonal, and what you need to know about dealing with depression.

PickTheBrain is a blog founded in 2006 dedicated to covering everything and anything connected with self-improvement. While articles on the blog include a wide range of topics, most of them focus on personal productivity, self-education, psychology, philosophy, and motivation.

The blog aspires to provide information that individuals can use to live a more prosperous and satisfying life. Their articles can help you learn to manage time effectively, overcome mental blocks and motivate, understand your thoughts and behavior, and develop a “harmonic existence with the world.”

PickTheBrain’s depression blog features posts including seven ways to brighten your horizon, 25 ways to win over depressing thoughts one day at a time, and how to deal with the negative person in your life and win the battle against negativity.

Time to Change is a movement with the aim of changing how everyone thinks and acts about mental health. The charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness run their campaign in addition to other organizations that have joined to make change happen.

Time to Change’s mission is to improve attitude and behavior and reduce discrimination toward individuals with mental health problems. They also aim to ensure that people can take action to challenge stigma and discrimination in their workplaces, schools, and communities.

The Time to Change depression blog hopes to raise awareness of mental health issues and break stereotypes and taboos through articles such as why you shouldn’t tell someone with depression to be grateful, how depression is not something that you can just snap out of, and why men’s relationship with mental health is a challenging one.

Postpartum Progress is a blog devoted to maternal mental health. Katherine Stone created Postpartum Progress in 2004 when she experienced postpartum anxiety after the birth of her first child.

The blog offers in-depth information and hope and support for pregnant women and new moms with postpartum depression and any other mental health illnesses that are related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Recent posts on the blog include Eve’s account of how her friends stood by her through postpartum psychosis, how to find a self-care method that works best for you, and Avery’s journey of feeding her child and the challenges she encountered.

Bill White is the founder and producer of Chipur. Bill is a mental health professional dedicated to writing and blogging. He says that he continues to manage the mood and anxiety disorders that he has been “blessed” with for decades and so has a broad understanding of mental health.

Bill says that there are no miracles or cures touted on his blog. Chipur is, however, a “resource and exchange reservoir” where you can share and learn about mood and anxiety disorders in your effort to secure relief. The blog covers subjects including the biology and psychology of depression, bipolarity, and anxiety, information on supplements and medications, and personal stories.

The latest posts on Chipur include an examination of why people suffer from mental health problems and whether they are accidents waiting to happen, the world of mood stabilizers and some insight and information about them, and some helpful tips to make it through a major life transition.

Blurt helps people affected by depression. Blurt says that it is the “knowing nod” – a movement that says, “I’m listening,” “I understand,” and “I’m here for you.”

Blurt helps individuals impacted by depression to learn about the condition, provide them with support, and put them in touch with others that have been in the same position. They also help to break down the barriers surrounding depression, help broach the subject with friends and family, and, ultimately, help you to help yourself.

Blog posts cover topics such as how we don’t need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about having depression, coping with the side effects of medications used to treat depression, and how and when to ask for help and support from others when you have depression.

Monica Cassani runs Beyond Meds. Monica uses her experience as a mental health professional and ex-patient to share natural methods of self-care for supporting health and to deal with issues around mental health, as well as human rights surrounding psychiatry.

Monica says that she has seen the mental health system in the U.S. from both sides: both as a social worker and “as a person whose life was severely ruptured by psychiatric drugs.” If you are interested in natural or alternative treatments or exploring holistic pathways, Beyond Meds is a useful starting point.

Posts focused on depression include the inner pain of depression, the mixture of things that make up depression since there is no such thing as a monolithic state called depression, and how, contrary to popular belief, depression responds to non-drug options.

Dan Lukasik is the man behind Lawyers with Depression. Dan began the blog 10 years ago to support students, lawyers, and judges and help them to cope with depression.

Lawyers with Depression has more than 1 million page views. Today, the blog not only serves individuals in the legal profession but also anyone facing challenges caused by stress, anxiety, and depression. Dan also lectures around the country on these subjects and has his work has featured in publications both in the U.S. and internationally.

Recent posts on the blog include why people with depression feel so negative, Dan’s new book on depression and anxiety in the law, how nature is a powerful antidote to depression, and other people’s opinions and judgments about depression.

Erin Schulthies is the writer of the blog Daisies and Bruises. Daisies and Bruises is about talks about both sides of life: pleasure and pain. Erin is in her 30s and struggled with depression throughout her youth.

Daisies and Bruises is a therapeutic outlet for Erin to regain her voice, and, in the process, share with others what it is like to be too depressed to move, and she gives tips on what might help if you feel that way.

Stories from Erin include taking joy in the breaks from the pain, her current survival strategy of working for the present, finding the sunshine when you feel invisible, and screaming onto the pages when words are not enough.

Amy McDowell Marlow is the author of Blue Light Blue. Amy lives with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder and started her blog in 2014. Writing Blue Light Blue has helped Amy to write her way out of being silent about her mental illness.

As well as writing about mental health, Amy is a trained peer facilitator and public speaker with the National Alliance on Mental Illness and shares her story with audiences across Washington, D.C.

The latest posts on Blue Light Blue include Amy’s first ever video post, six daily hacks that can help you to manage anxiety, Leah’s account of being a student with depression, and Joe talking about mental health at work.