Sinus pressure is treatable with medication. However, home remedies such as steam inhalation and saline irrigation may also help ease symptoms and speed recovery.
A type of skin called mucous membrane lines the sinuses. This membrane protects the body by producing mucus, which catches dirt and other particles that might otherwise cause illness.
The lining of the sinuses can swell if a person has an allergic reaction or infection. Swelling may lead to a feeling of pressure around the nose, cheeks, and above the eyes. These areas of the face may feel painful or tender. This can also increase mucus production and change the consistency of the mucus.
Infections or allergies can lead to uncomfortable pressure in the sinuses. Clearing the nose can help to ease this symptom.
Below are 10 home remedies to help relieve sinus pressure.
Steroid nasal sprays can help reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. Many of these sprays are available over-the-counter (OTC).
Decongestant and saline nasal sprays
People should consult with a healthcare professional if they have preexisting conditions, such as high blood pressure, to help them choose a nasal spray that will not interact with their medications or condition.
Learn more about the types of nasal decongestants.
Dry air can irritate the mucous membrane and dry out the sinuses. While drying out excess mucus might seem like a good solution, the arid air can worsen the irritation and sinus pressure.
Humidifiers and vaporizers add water into the air. A person breathes in the humid air, and it helps moisturize the delicate skin lining the sinuses. Moist air
Both machines release moisture, but they do so a bit differently. A humidifier blows out cool, moist vapor, while a vaporizer heats the water to release a warm mist.
The increased humidity is especially helpful in bedrooms and any place a person spends a great amount of time. Sleeping in a room while one of these devices is running can help relieve sinus pressure and may reduce congestion upon waking up.
Learn more about the differences between humidifiers and vaporizers.
Some people use neti pots
A person can use a neti pot by:
- washing the hands
- filling the pot with sterile water
- leaning directly over a sink
- tilting the head sideways
- inserting the spout gently into the highest nostril
- breathing through the mouth
- pouring water into the nostril
Water will run from one nostril to the other, which should flush out pollen, bacteria, and other debris. A person should repeat this process on both nostrils.
It is important for people to use sterile or distilled water, which can be bought at a drugstore, not tap water. Alternatively, a person can boil water and allow it to cool.
It is also important to remember to clean the neti pot thoroughly after each use.
Rinsing nasal passages with a saline solution can help reduce irritation and inflammation in the nose.
A saline solution can easily be made at home using sterile water, salt, and baking soda. Combine the following ingredients:
- one-quarter pint of clean water
- one-quarter teaspoon (tsp) of salt
- one-quarter tsp of baking soda
People can sniff this into the nose from cupped palms, one nostril at a time. A person can also use a syringe to squirt a solution into their nostrils.
It is also possible to find saline kits at a drugstore that include a squeeze bottle. It is important to clean any of the kit pieces after each use.
Read more about making saline solution at home.
Using steam to open the passages in the nose
Steam inhalation can be a straightforward method for people to do at home:
- boil water
- pour the hot water into a large bowl
- lean over, so the face is directly above the water
- cover the head with a towel
- breathe through the nose
People should not breathe directly over a steaming kettle or boiling pot of water. The steam can burn skin.
Baths and showers
A person can forgo the boiling water in a bowl and turn on the shower instead. Hot showers and baths create steam that can quickly fill a room. This steam helps moisturize the air, and when a person breathes it in, it moistens their sinus passages.
The extra moisture can ease irritation in the sinuses and thin out mucus so clearing the sinuses is easier.
Read about the benefits of a steam room.
Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points in the body to relieve pain or symptoms of illness. Scientists are not clear on how effective acupressure is for sinus pressure. However, it may help ease some symptoms.
Many people claim that acupressure can treat colds, types of flu, and sinus problems. A person may perform acupressure at home or visit a practitioner.
Learn about stimulating pressure points for sinuses.
Any time a person is unwell, it is important for them to keep their body hydrated. Proper hydration can help to keep the mucus membranes of the nasal passages moist and working correctly.
While all liquids can help a person stay hydrated, the
Read about the benefits of drinking water.
Applying heat to the sinus area can also help to relieve pressure. One way to do this is using a warm washcloth.
- run a clean washcloth under reasonably hot water
- wring it out
- fold it
- lay it across the bridge of the nose and cheeks for a few minutes
Many people claim that essential oils can help relieve symptoms of sinus congestion. Essential oils are natural oils that people extract from plants.
Although research suggests essential oils may have some health benefits, it is important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not monitor or regulate the purity or quality of these oils. A person should talk with a healthcare professional before using essential oils and research the quality of a particular brand’s products. It is also important to always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil.
Studies show that some essential oils can have antibacterial and
Popular oils for the treatment of sinus inflammation include peppermint and eucalyptus oils. People can use these essential oils by adding small drops to a steam bath or a diffuser.
Learn about essential oils for sinus congestion.
Sleep can help ease sinus pressure for several reasons. First, rest is important to help the body heal and speed up recovery. Secondly, the body produces more white blood cells during sleep. These cells are essential for eliminating any viruses or bacteria that could be causing irritated sinuses and sinus pressure.
A person with sinus pressure may find sleep more comfortable if they prop themselves up. They can use extra pillows behind the head or upper back to achieve this.
Sleeping while propped up may help mucus move through the nasal passages and sinuses, and prevent a stuffy nose from disrupting sleep. Lying flat may lead to additional pressure and mucus buildup.
Learn more about methods of sleeping with nasal congestion.
Home remedies for sinus pressure can help reduce symptoms and make breathing easier in time. However, there are certain things individuals may want to avoid while experiencing sinuse pressure. These include:
- Breathing dry air: Dry air, like that of saunas, may irritate the sinuses and prolong recovery.
- Breathing in chemicals: Cleaning agents like bleach and chlorine can irritate sinuses on a typical day. They may aggravate sinuses even more if they’re inflamed already.
- Blowing too hard: If a person’s sinus passages feel stopped up, they can try to remove some of the mucus by blowing their nose. Individuals need to be careful not to blow too hard. Too much pressure can be painful and actually increase pressure.
- Flying while sick: It is not uncommon for people to experience increased sinus pressure after flying. Most sinus pressure from flying will ease in a matter of hours after landing. But if a person with an upper respiratory infection or sinus infection flies, they may experience even more sinus pressure from the flight because their sinuses are already irritated. Rearranging the flight until the infection clears is recommended.
Home remedies can help to clear sinus pressure. These include breathing in steam, saline irrigation, neti pots, and nasal spreays.
However, if a person experiences worsening symptoms, new symptoms, or symptoms that do not clear with these rememedies, they should speak with a healthcare professional.