Some types of hormonal birth control, such as those containing estrogen, can increase the risk of stroke. Nonhormonal contraceptives and nonestrogen forms of birth control do not appear to increase the risk.
The risk of stroke may be higher in people with other risk factors, such as smoking or high blood pressure.
This article looks at which types of birth control may link to an increased risk of stroke, additional risk factors for stroke, and how to lower the risk.
Birth control containing estrogen can
According to a 2021 study, systemic hormonal contraceptives can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack by 1.6 times. Examples of systemic birth control include:
- oral contraceptive pills
- contraceptive patch
- birth control shot
Planned Parenthood states that although most people will not experience problems, the birth control shot can increase the risk of blood clots, which can lead to stroke or damage the heart and lungs.
They also say that some people may have an increased risk of stroke if they use birth control containing estrogen, which includes the birth control patch.
It is important to remember that for most people, hormonal birth control is a safe and effective method of contraception. However, as with all medications, they can carry certain risks and side effects.
A person will be able to work with a doctor to determine which form of birth control is best for them.
Oral contraceptive pills and stroke risk
Higher doses of estrogen have an association with a higher stroke risk. A
However, according to a
People who are using combined oral contraceptives and have other risk factors for stroke, such as smoking or high blood pressure, have a higher risk of stroke.
According to a 2019 review, there may be around a
Once a person has stopped using oral contraceptives, the risk may decrease by 20% every 5 years.
The study suggests longer duration of use and higher levels of estrogen increase the risk of stroke.
The stroke risk from combined oral contraceptives
Which birth control has the highest risk of stroke?
Oral contraceptives with higher levels of estrogen may have the highest risk of stroke.
Oral contraceptives with doses of estrogen of
Which birth control has the lowest risk of stroke?
According to a
There is little data on the stroke risk of the transdermal patch and vaginal ring, which contain both progestin and estrogen, in the form of ethinyl estradiol.
Some research found no increased stroke risk of patches or vaginal rings containing estrogen or birth control with low dose ethinyl estradiol.
According to a
According to a
Older combined oral contraceptives were high dose formulations containing
Current formulations for combined oral contraceptives typically contain low doses, usually between 30–35 μg of ethinyl estradiol.
Certain health-related factors can increase the risk of stroke in people using combined oral contraceptives. This includes:
- smoking
- high blood pressure
- migraine with aura
Experts also recommend that those who have multiple stroke risk factors use nonestrogen or nonhormonal forms of contraception. This includes people who are ages 35 years or above, have migraine with focal neurological signs, and people who smoke.
Other risk factors for stroke include:
- diabetes
- hyperlipidemia
- obesity
A combination of risk factors may increase the risk of stroke in young people. The combination of migraine with aura, combined oral contraceptive use, and tobacco use may increase the risk of stroke by around 9 times compared to people with none of these risk factors.
Ischemic stroke may be more common in younger females with migraine with aura who may not be likely to have traditional risk factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
Checking for any other risk factors for stroke may help to reduce the risk of stroke. This
- a history of blood clots
- high blood pressure
- smoking
- overweight or obesity
Discussing contraceptive options and risk factors can help people make an informed decision. People can also opt for a nonestrogen form of contraceptive or nonhormonal contraceptives.
Hormonal birth control containing estrogen may increase the risk of stroke. The risk may be small, but people with other risk factors of stroke may have a higher risk.
People can discuss contraceptive options with a healthcare professional to assess their personal risk and to decide which is the safest option for them.