Penile eczema is a skin condition that affects the penis and the surrounding genital area. It causes symptoms such as dry skin, itchiness, and pain. Home care and medical treatments may help.

Eczema is a common inflammatory skin condition that can affect any part of the body. Penile eczema occurs when it affects the genital region of people with a penis, causing painful and itchy skin.

Health experts are unsure of the exact cause but note many potential triggers, such as tight clothing, sweat, friction, urine and feces, spermicides, and allergic reactions. It is important to receive a diagnosis from a doctor and suitable treatment. Options generally involve avoiding further irritation, which typically involves administering topical products.

In this article, we explore the symptoms, causes, and treatments for penile eczema. We also explain when a person may need to contact a doctor.

Man sitting on bed in hospital room talks to male clinician about penile eczema.Share on Pinterest
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Eczema is a prevalent skin condition that triggers itching and inflammation. It affects more than 31 million people in the United States.

There is no known cause for eczema. However, scientists know genetics play a role, while environmental factors can trigger flare-ups.

Types of penile eczema

Different types of eczema can occur on the penis, including:

  • Atopic eczema: This is the most common type, which causes itchy rashes.
  • Seborrheic eczema: This type causes dry, flaky skin and swelling.
  • Allergic contact eczema: This occurs due to a delayed allergic reaction to a substance.
  • Irritant contact eczema: This develops when the skin comes into contact with an irritating substance.

Penile eczema can occur on the penis, scrotum, and groin, between the buttocks, and around the anus.

Eczema on the penis will usually look similar to eczema anywhere else on the body. In darker skin tones, eczema can present as brown, purple, gray, or ashen. On lighter skin, eczema may show as red, inflamed skin.

Penile eczema can look similar to other conditions, including:

If people are unsure whether they have penile eczema, a doctor can help rule out other conditions.

Learn more about the types and appearance of eczema.

Although researchers are unsure what causes eczema, they believe genetics and an overactive immune system could be involved.

Biological factors

According to the National Eczema Association, an overactive immune system can cause an inflammatory response to specific triggers, which can then bring on eczema symptoms.

Researchers also note a link between eczema and a particular gene mutation. Some people with the condition do not have a specific protein called filaggrin, which helps create a protective layer on the skin. Without filaggrin, the skin can become drier and more susceptible to infection.

A combination of the above factors and environmental triggers may cause eczema.

Environmental triggers

Irritation of the penis can also contribute to the condition. Various environmental factors can irritate the penis, including:

  • sweat
  • tight clothing
  • friction from skin rubbing together
  • soaps and body washes
  • talcum powder
  • body wipes
  • hemorrhoid creams
  • deodorants
  • antiseptics, such as Dettol
  • urine and feces
  • a metal allergy, such as nickel
  • a latex allergy
  • spermicides
  • waxing and shaving products
  • spending prolonged amounts of time in water

Skin becoming too dry can also trigger an eczema flare-up. The skin may feel rough and tight with a scaly, flaky appearance.

Stress could also trigger or worsen symptoms of eczema.

Symptoms of penile eczema are similar to eczema in other parts of the body and may include:

  • itching
  • painful or sore skin
  • rashes
  • brown, purple, gray, or ashen skin in darker skin tones
  • red skin in lighter skin tones
  • tight-feeling skin
  • scaly, dry skin

A person should consult a healthcare provider, such as a dermatologist, to diagnose penile eczema and rule out other underlying conditions.

A doctor will take a person’s medical history, perform a physical examination, and assess symptoms. This may be enough to diagnose the condition, but a healthcare professional may perform additional tests for confirmation, such as testing for allergies.

Eczema is not contagious, meaning people cannot transmit or contract the condition to or from another person.

However, if people have broken skin on the penis, it can lead to a greater risk of infection.

Many creams and substances claim to be effective in treating eczema symptoms. However, these products may cause further skin irritation in some people who use them without medical guidance.

People can help ease the symptoms of penile eczema at home by:

  • applying petroleum jelly (Vaseline) to the skin
  • wearing loose clothing and underwear
  • wearing natural fibers, such as cotton and silk, as these are less irritating
  • using a nonbiological washing powder for clothes
  • using a gentle anti-itch cream formulated for eczema, such as E45 Itch
  • chilling creams so that they have a cooling effect on the skin
  • avoiding products that may irritate the penis, such as soaps and fragrances
  • using warm water and an emollient to gently clean the genital area while avoiding overwashing

Learn more about home remedies for eczema.

A person with penile eczema may consider seeing a doctor to discuss the proper treatment. A doctor may suggest any of the following treatment options:

  • an emollient, which people can apply after bathing and use instead of soap or body washes
  • antihistamines to help ease itching
  • topical steroids, which people may apply once or twice per day or as a doctor prescribes

It is best if people wash their hands before and after applying topical treatments to help prevent infections.

A note on topical treatments and sex

People will need to avoid using topical steroids on the genital area just before having sex. This is to allow these treatments to absorb into the skin, minimizing the transfer of the substance to a partner.

Certain topical treatments, such as emollients and steroid creams, could affect how well condoms and diaphragms work. The oils in some products may damage the latex within these contraceptive devices.

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Broken skin or a compromised skin barrier can increase the risk of bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.

Viral infections

Atopic dermatitis can increase the risk of viral infections.

A severe complication is eczema herpeticum, a condition that occurs due to the herpes simplex virus, type 1, and can be life threatening.

Symptoms include:

Eczema coxsackium is another serious viral infection, which triggers widespread blisters and a rash.

Both of these infections require immediate medical treatment.

Asthma and allergic conditions

People with certain types of eczema are also more likely to have asthma and allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever.

In people with severe atopic eczema, 50% will develop asthma, while 75% will develop allergic rhinitis.

It is best for people who suspect they have penile eczema to see a doctor. The condition can appear similar to other conditions, such as STIs or other infections.

A healthcare professional can investigate whether people have eczema or another condition and prescribe an appropriate treatment.

Contacting a doctor can also help prevent or minimize further penile irritation that may occur due to certain home treatments.

Some common questions about penile eczema include the following:

Does penile eczema go away?

There is currently no cure for eczema, but many treatments are available to manage the condition. Typically, symptoms resolve after avoiding irritants and applying topical products to soothe the skin.

What does eczema look like on private parts?

Eczema on the genitals has a similar appearance to eczema anywhere else on the body. It is often itchy and inflamed and may present as red, brown, purple, gray, or ashen.

Is eczema a fungal infection?

No, eczema is not a fungal infection. However, people can experience infected eczema due to fungal infections. This is because eczema can affect the skin’s barrier function, which increases the risk of infections, such as fungal infections.

Is it “jock itch” or eczema?

Tinea cruris (jock itch) and eczema are different skin conditions that can have a similar appearance. Jock itch is a fungal infection of the skin that causes an itchy, discolored, ring-shaped rash in the groin area. Penile eczema is an inflammatory skin condition in the genital area that may occur in response to an irritating trigger.

Eczema resources

Visit our dedicated hub for more research-backed information and in-depth resources on eczema.

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Penile eczema is a skin condition that can cause itching and inflammation of the penis and surrounding area. People who have it may experience dry, sore skin.

Wearing loose, comfortable clothing, avoiding using irritating products around the genitals, and using certain topical treatments can help treat eczema symptoms.

Awareness of any triggers, such as irritating substances or stress, may also help minimize recurring flare-ups.