A pomelo is an Asian citrus fruit that resembles a large pear or green-tinted grapefruit. This fruit can get quite large and sometimes grows up to the size of a cantaloupe.

A bit sweeter and less juicy than its grapefruit cousin, a pomelo contains many beneficial vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that can add to a well-balanced diet.

This article will explore the nutritional and health benefits of pomelo fruit and compare it to its citrus relative, the grapefruit.

Pomelo tastes very similar to grapefruit but without any of the associated bitterness or tanginess.

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Pomelo fruit (scientific name C. grandisor C. maxima) grows primarily in Southeast Asia, in countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, southern China, and Fiji.

More recently, agriculturalists in other warm, humid regions, including Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, and the southern United States, have started growing the fruit.

Some people in Asian countries gather pomelo flowers to make perfume because of its aromatic scent. People in the Philippines and other southeast countries use it medicinally to soothe chronic coughing and epileptic attacks.

It is not easy to find fresh pomelo fruit in certain parts of the Western Hemisphere, but it is more readily available dried and candied. It is important to remember that these forms of pomelo contain much higher sugar levels higher than fresh pomelo.

Citrus fruits generally contain high levels of vitamin C. They also tend to be rich in fiber and flavonoids, which may benefit certain conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome.

A 100g portion of skinned pomelo contains the following nutrients.:

  • 38 calories
  • 0.76 (g) of protein
  • 0.04 g of fat
  • 9.62 g of carbohydrates
  • 1 g of fiber
  • 4 milligrams (mg) of calcium
  • 0.11 mg of iron
  • 8 IU of vitamin A
  • 0.03 mg of thiamine
  • 0.03 mg of riboflavin
  • 0.2 mg of niacin
  • 61 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

There are many health benefits associated with regular pomelo consumption. These include:

Powerful source of vitamin C

Pomelo contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which helps protect cells and keep them healthy. It is also important for maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, and bones.

Just one serving of pomelo (or one fruit) can provide the necessary daily amount of vitamin C, which is 40 mg for adults aged 19–64.

Learn more about vitamin C-rich foods here.

Source of antioxidants

Antioxidants are an essential part of any diet because they protect against free radicals, which are harmful to cells and create a state of oxidative stress in the body.

Pomelo contains two potent sources of antioxidants: naringenin and naringin. These are common among citrus fruits. Pomelo is also a good source of the antioxidant lycopene, commonly found in tomatoes.

Learn more about antioxidant- rich foods here.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Pomelo is an anti-inflammatory fruit because of its high antioxidant content. Injury can cause inflammation, but so can stress and an unbalanced diet.

If left unchecked, inflammation can cause a range of other health problems, including digestive issues, acne, congestion, and even cancer. Eating a well-balanced diet that’s rich in antioxidants can help fight these conditions.

Learn more about anti-inflammatory foods here.

Good source of carotenoids and vitamin A

Citrus contains high amounts of carotenoids, which positively affect the immune system by forming vitamin A.

Vitamin A promotes eye health, bone formation, and may reduce the risk of cancer.

Pomelo fruit provides this essential nutrient and is an excellent addition to any diet to help boost vitamin A intake.

Learn more about vitamin A-rich foods here.

Great source of fiber

Fiber is crucial for digestive health and reduces the risk of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

According to a 2017 article, 95% of people in the U.S. do not consume enough fiber in their diet.

Pomelo fruit, particularly its skin, is a good source of fiber, packing a quarter of the recommended daily intake for women (25 g) and a fifth for men (30 g).

Learn more about fiber-rich foods here.

Pomelo fruit shares many similarities with grapefruit. They are both highly nutritious and will benefit any diet but have many physical differences.

A grapefruit is a hybrid species (a cross between sweet orange and pomelo) and is a subtropical citrus fruit. Pomelo fruit is a separate species and is the largest of all citrus fruits.

It has a thicker rind and is sweeter than grapefruit. The coloration is also different between these fruits. A grapefruit has an orange, pink, or reddish tinge, while pomelo is usually light green or pale yellow.

Pomelo and grapefruit offer many of the same nutritional benefits and are great sources of vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants.

A grapefruit is typically much easier to find than a pomelo so take advantage of whichever fruit is more readily available for comparable health benefits.

Learn more about grapefruit here.

Pomelo contains high levels of nutrients, such as fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A.

Scientists need to carry out more research before they have a clear understanding of the fruit’s health benefits. However, overall it is a safe and healthy way to consume several vital vitamins and minerals.