Living with a chronic condition, such as psoriasis, can be mentally and physically demanding. Support groups can help provide reassurance, peer support, and information that makes coping easier.

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes symptoms such as patches of scaly plaques on the skin.

The physical symptoms of psoriasis can also bring on psychological distress. People with psoriasis may also feel isolated due to their condition.

Some may find it beneficial to join a support group. These groups can provide a connection with peers, information, coping strategies, and even counseling.

This article explains what a psoriasis support group might entail, how joining one may help, and where to find one.

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Support groups are peer- or clinician-led gatherings that focus on a particular shared experience, such as psoriasis. They may be free or require a small fee.

Support groups allow people with psoriasis to meet others who also live with the condition.

These groups may meet in person or virtually. They often involve loosely structured, moderator-led sessions where people exchange experiences and ideas.

A support group is not the same as group therapy, which is typically more structured and involves a licensed mental health professional leading the session.

A 2016 article on quality of life with psoriasis notes that it may be comparable to living with ischemic heart disease, diabetes, or cancer.

A 2020 British study on quality of life in people with psoriasis found that 93% of people with the condition say it affects their self-esteem. These individuals report feelings of:

  • embarrassment
  • shame
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • suicidal thoughts

Additionally, older research from 2010 in the United Kingdom indicates that those with psoriasis have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Support groups cannot treat the physical symptoms of psoriasis, but they can offer important psychological and social support. Additionally, people may share helpful coping strategies in support group sessions.

Virtual groups are an option for people who cannot access in-person support groups. A person may prefer a virtual support group if they prefer to maintain some privacy. Additionally, online support groups may be more convenient for some.

A few online support group options include:

The National Psoriasis Foundation also holds local events in some cities, including the Commit to Cure Gala and Take ACTION for Psoriatic Disease.

A person’s care team may recommend local support groups in the area. People ask their doctor, dermatologist, or rheumatologist’s office if they know of any local psoriasis support groups. Local hospitals are another suitable resource.

For people with psoriatic arthritis, the Arthritis Foundation maintains an online database of virtual support groups through their Live Yes! Connect Groups system.

Additionally, local hospitals may maintain a list of support groups in the area.

Psoriasis resources

Visit our dedicated hub for more research-backed information and in-depth resources on psoriasis.

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Psoriasis can affect a person’s physical and mental health. A support group may help people cope with the psychological stress of living with this chronic condition.

Support groups allow peers to meet and discuss their shared experiences. Communal sharing can help lift the burden of living with psoriasis and help prevent feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety.

A person can speak with their healthcare team about in-person support group options. There are also various online support groups for those who prefer to meet virtually.