Distinguished RCAM (Royal College of Alternative Medicine) Provost , Professor Joseph Chikelue Obi, publicly advises all Media Organizations to ethically check all of their facts relating to RCAM before publication.

New Year Message from the Distinguished RCAM (Royal College of Alternative Medicine) Provost , Professor Joseph Chikelue Obi FRCAM (Dublin) FRIPH (UK) FACAM (USA) MICR (UK) :

\"Over the past few years , RCAM (Royal College of Alternative Medicine) has quietly had to ethically tolerate more than it\'s own fair share of wantonly unsubstantiated highly defamatory material liberally disseminated about it.

It is also very important to note that (despite RCAM\'s consistent vindication in every single area of such frivolous reports), absolutely none of these Media Outlets has morally found it appropriate to issue either public retractions or private apologies as soon as it miraculously dawned upon them that they had made the biggest goofs (not scoops) of the respective years in question.

RCAM would therefore like to publicly appeal to all Media Organizations to ethically realize that Royal College of Alternative Medicine is both a Statutorily Registered Trademark and a Legally Registered Entity. The FRCAM (Dublin) designation is also fully protected by Statute.

Should any Media Organization have any queries whatsoever about RCAM, then the best way to send them to us before publication is via our online Contact Form (available 24 hours a day at www.RoyalCAM.org ), which also enables us to keep a permanent lawful record of such noble enquiries.

The Media is also hereby alerted of a certain class of Clientelle who seem to be exceedingly eager to sell utterly grandiose stories to the Global Press , rather than settle their outstanding debts and invoices. The Media must diligently ask for such RCAM e-mails directly from their Reliable Sources, and also be 100% sure of what they intend to publish , before they go ahead and publish it . The same goes for Search Engines too.

Although RCAM has temporarily overlooked such a serious avalanche of defamatory offences against us up till now , we still strongly reserve the right to fiscally hold all of the various Media Organizations themselves fully liable for their actions ; as we have now come to the extremely wise conclusion that these Media Outlets are in a far better position to promptly pay us appropriate compensation for any untoward besmirchment thereof \".

About Royal College of Alternative Medicine

RCAM (Royal College of Alternative Medicine) is an Officially Registered, Dublin-Based, Independent, Regulatory, Training and Empowerment Body for Qualified Wellness Consultants and their Associates from all over the world ; which solely aims to Protect the Public ; by raising Ethical Awareness ( and optimizing Best Professional Standards) in Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM).

RCAM has absolutely no links whatsoever with any \'Royal Entity\' of \'Similar\' (or \'Presumed Similar\') Nomenclature , Title , Calling , Being or Eminence.

RCAM is currently spearheading the Greatest Ever Fellowship Recruitment Drive in History.

Current Requirements for RCAM Fellowship as at the 1st of January 2006 are:

- 10 Years Experience in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) ; inclusive of any time spent in Training.

- Membership of a Recognized Professional Body which is presently on the \'Collegiate Scroll\' of Accredited External Organizations.

- Letters of Recommendation from 2 Current Fellows of the Royal College of Alternative Medicine (Ask Provost for more details)

- A \'Professional Portfolio\' of \'24 Unique Cases\' in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for future publication in the RCAM e-Journal.Each \'Unique Case\' must be appropriately presented in \'Microsoft Word Format\' and should (preferably) include diagrams , photographs , references , an honest word count (confirming the present minimum of 300 double-spaced words) and all other relevant supporting data.

- A Life-Time (One-Off) \'Fellowship Fee\' of Euros 3,499 (Three Thousand , Four Hundred and Ninety-Nine Euros).This \'One-Off\' amount may (on the surface) seem relatively high ; until you ethically compare it to the total amount of Annual Fellowship Subscriptions which any Seasoned Professional in Orthodox Medicine (based in the Western World) would ultimately pay throughout a 40 Year Professional Career.

- Satisfactory Performance at Oral Interview (Usually conducted either via Tele-Conferencing or e-Telephony).

Those not meeting \'Fellowship Grade\' will temporarily be \'quarantined\' in the \'Fellowship Cadet Club\' ; until a time at which all of the necessary Fellowship Requirements are comprehensively met.

All Fellows of the Royal College of Alternative Medicine shall appropriately be designated FRCAM (Dublin) ; and will be publicly listed in the \'Register of Fellows\' of the College.They will also be expediently assisted with any Regulatory and Revalidation issues ; and shall be eligible to democratically contest elections for the highly influential position of \'Chancellor, Royal College of Alternative Medicine\'.

\'Cadet Fellows\' will not be designated ; until they stringently meet all of the necessary Fellowship Requirements.

Please kindly feel free to e-mail any further enquiries and suggestions via the contact form on the RCAM website at www.RoyalCAM.org

Applications for Fellowship are ethically processed throughout the year; and an Accelerated Fellowship Programme is also available for any \'Exceptional Candidates\' who are in honest possession of considerably much more than the required number of \'Unique Cases\' , but do not have up to 10 Years of Chronological CAM Experience.

Royal College of Alternative Medicine (RCAM)