The eustachian tube helps regulate pressure in the ear. Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) describes when this tube is unable to equalize pressure. In many cases, ETD may resolve with little or no help.

The eustachian tube is a small canal that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and upper throat. It helps drain fluid from the middle ear, which is the space behind the eardrum. This helps to regulate ear pressure.

ETD refers to when this tube is unable to open, resulting in a difference between air pressure inside and outside the middle ear. Infection and blockages are possible causes of ETD. Potential complications of ETD may include discomfort and hearing problems.

A person can often easily manage ETD at home. However, persistent symptoms may require contacting a doctor for treatment. Different treatment options are available, and the most suitable option will depend on the underlying cause.

The eustachian tubes are canals that run from the back of the nose and upper throat to the middle ear, helping keep the air pressure behind the eardrum the same as the pressure outside. They remain closed most of the time but will open as a person swallows, chews, or yawns.

Some people can have a condition that health experts refer to as patulous eustachian tube, where tubes stay open when they should be closed. This causes a person to experience autophony, which is when they can hear their own breathing and voice inside their head.

In addition, these canals are so tiny that blockages can happen for many reasons. Blocked eustachian tubes can cause discomfort and lead to hearing problems. Any of these symptoms can count as ETD.

ETD covers a variety of symptoms and has a range of potential causes.

Season allergies and illnesses that create inflammation in the area, such as the flu or cold, are common causes of ETD. Sinus infections can also trigger ETD. Sinusitis may lead to ETD due to inflammation of the eustachian tubes, or them filling with mucus. More serious infections can cause ETD as well.

Moreover, ETD may stem from simple changes in altitude or air pressure. For instance, driving up a mountain or sitting in a plane can cause ETD. Even just riding the elevator in a tall building may be enough for some people to develop unpleasant symptoms.

In other cases, ETD can occur due to nasal polyps, a cleft palate, or a tumor.

It is common to experience ETD occasionally, but some people have symptoms more often than others.

Lifestyle risks

Certain lifestyle choices may increase a person’s risk of ETD. This can include often being in situations that have sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, such as frequent flying or deep sea diving. Additionally, pollution and cigarette smoke can also lead to ETD.

Some evidence also notes that having obesity can increase the risk of ETD. This may be due to excess fatty deposits forming around the passageway of the eustachian tube, causing fluid buildup in the ear.

Medical risks

People with allergies may experience ETD more often, as allergies can cause increased mucus and congestion. Similarly, ETD is more likely to occur in those prone to upper respiratory infections or sinus infections.

Children are also at higher risk of ETD, as their eustachian tubes are smaller and orient more horizontally than vertically. This makes the tubes more likely to become clogged by mucus or germs. Additionally, as their midface is smaller, it is also more likely to fill up with mucus.

Enlarged adenoids can also cause eustachian tube obstruction in children, as well as adults. It can lead to bacterial growth, which can then result in ear infections. The adenoids are glands that sit behind the nose above the roof of the mouth.

Furthermore, a child’s immune system is less able to fight off infections, as it is not fully developed. Children have more frequent colds and sinus infections, which are direct causes of ETD.

The following medical conditions are risk factors as well:

Symptoms of ETD can vary from mild to severe and may be different for each person.

Common symptoms include:

  • a plugged feeling in the ears
  • the ears feeling as if they are filled with water
  • tinnitus, or ringing in the ear
  • muffled hearing or partial hearing loss
  • ticking or popping sounds
  • ear pain and tenderness
  • dizziness

The length and severity of ETD symptoms depend on their cause. For instance, if ETD results from a change in altitude, these symptoms will often go away as the body adjusts to the pressure or reaches a lower altitude.

By contrast, ETD that is due to an illness or infection can last much longer. Anyone with ETD symptoms that last more than 2 weeks should seek guidance from a doctor.

Without treatment, ETD can cause complications such as:

  • ear infection
  • middle ear atelectasis, which is a retraction of the eardrum
  • chronic otitis media, which is when there is persistent fluid in the ear
  • cholesteatoma, which is an abnormal skin growth in the middle ear
  • conductive hearing loss, where sound cannot get through to the middle ear

Doctors usually diagnose ETD based on a physical examination and a person’s symptoms.

A doctor may ask about hearing changes, pain in the ears, or feelings of pressure. They will also look at the eardrum and inside the ear canal and the middle ear using an otoscope, checking for any signs of infection or blockages.

A doctor may perform an audiogram, which shows the function of the eardrum. Specifically, they may perform a tympanogram, which tests middle ear functioning.

If there are cholesteatomas in the ear, or if there are concerns about skin migration into the middle ear, the doctor may order additional imaging tests.

If ETD occurs as a result of another condition, the doctor may ask questions about that as well in order to determine the correct treatment.

The symptoms of ETD will usually clear up on their own. If another condition is causing the symptoms, however, they will resolve once a person receives treatment for the underlying cause.

Home remedies

If the symptoms of ETD are bothersome, some simple home remedies may help. A person can address minor ETD symptoms, such as those due to a change in altitude or air pressure, by chewing gum or forcing a yawn.

Many people also find that the symptoms of minor ETD can go away as they swallow, so drinking a beverage or having a snack may help. These remedies help open and close the eustachian tube and relieve the pressure.

Doing certain maneuvers, such as the valsalva maneuver can also help. This maneuver refers to pinching the nose closed while closing the mouth, and blowing into the nose. This can also help relieve ear pressure on an airplane. Other maneuvers include the Toynbee, Lowry, and Frenzel.

Children experiencing minor or temporary ETD symptoms can eat a snack or chew a piece of gum. Giving an infant a bottle or pacifier may help relieve the symptoms.


Depending on the cause, some over-the-counter (OTC) drugs may help with ETD symptoms. These may include:


Sometimes, fluids build up behind the eardrum and cannot escape through the dysfunctional eustachian tubes. In such cases, doctors may perform surgery to help with fluid drainage. Additionally, this will restore hearing, relieve pressure sensation in the ear, and reduce the tendency for middle ear infections.

A myringotomy describes a a procedure that involves a small cut in the ear drum. Doing so allows fluid to drain from the middle ear. In some cases, a doctor may also insert pressure equalization tubes. These are implants that balance the pressure in the ears and help fluid to drain into the throat to reduce the likelihood of middle ear infections.

Prevention strategies for ETD may involve:

  • leading a healthy lifestyle
  • maintaining good hygiene to avoid cold- or flu-causing germs
  • practicing good management of any allergies or asthma

This can help prevent common triggers that can cause the condition.

ETD and flying

When people fly, they may experience a common sensation in their ears known as airplane ear, ear barotrauma, barotitis media, or aerotitis media. It is a sensation of pressure, sometimes also pain, in the ears as the plane ascends and descends.

The cause is a quick change in altitude and pressure. When this happens, and the eustachian tube does not ventilate properly, a dysfunction occurs.

Since flying can put a person at risk of the condition, it may help to do the following when on a plane:

  • swallowing repeatedly, for example, by drinking water, chewing gum, or eating candy as a way to help the process
  • doing the valsalva maneuver
  • if possible, avoiding flying with a cold, flu, sinusitis, or nasal allergies
  • yawning repeatedly to help open the eustachian tube

Some FAQs about ETD may include:

How do you fix a dysfunctional eustachian tube?

Many treatment options are available for ETD. This can include home remedies, such as chewing gum, and OTC medications, including antihistamines. In some cases, a person may require antibiotics or oral steroids. In more severe cases, a person may require surgery to help with fluid drainage and prevent ear infections.

Does Eustachian tube dysfunction ever go away?

Most cases of ETD typically resolve within a few days. In some cases, it may last for 1–2 weeks.

In children, it is possible to outgrow ETD. However, if an individual experiences chronic ETD, they may have lingering symptoms that can persist for years. In these cases, surgery may be necessary to prevent ETD from recurring.

What is the fastest way to unblock eustachian tubes?

The fastest remedies to help unblock the eustachian tubes include swallowing, yawning, or chewing sugar-free gum. A person can also trying taking a deep breath and trying to gently blow out their nose, while pinching their nostrils closed and keeping their mouth shut.

How do you know if your eustachian tube is blocked?

Common symptoms of ETD include a sensation of fullness in the ear, popping sounds, ear pain, muffled hearing, ringing in the ears, and a person’s own voice sounding unusual.

ETD is common, but most cases resolve with little or no help. It occurs due to a blockage in a small tube in the middle ear, which can cause a feeling of fullness in the ear.

In many cases, chewing gum, swallowing, or yawning can help relieve discomfort. In other cases, treating the underlying cause, such as an infection or certain medical conditions, is the best way to treat and prevent recurring symptoms of ETD.

Children and adults who get symptoms that interfere with their daily lives, as well as those with chronic ETD symptoms, should contact a doctor to consider more thorough treatments.


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