Female ejaculation is when a female’s urethra expels fluid during sex. It can happen during arousal, but there is not necessarily an association with having an orgasm.

Scientists do not fully understand female ejaculation, and there is limited research on how it works and its purpose. Female ejaculation is normal, although researchers remain divided on how many people experience it.

In this article, we look at the current thinking on the mechanisms, purpose, and frequency of female ejaculation.

Female ejaculation refers to the expulsion of fluid from a female’s urethra during orgasm or sexual arousal. The urethra is the duct that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

There are two different types of female ejaculate:

Ejaculate fluid

This type more closely resembles male semen. It is typically thick and appears milky. The paraurethral glands produce this fluid. Other names for these glands include Skene’s glands, Garter’s duct, and female prostate.

Analysis has shown that the fluid contains prostatic acid phosphatase (PSA). PSA is an enzyme present in male semen that helps sperm motility.

In addition, female ejaculate usually contains fructose, a form of sugar. Fructose is also generally present in male semen, where it acts as an energy source for sperm.

Squirting fluid

This fluid is usually colorless and odorless. It originates in the bladder and is similar in composition to urine. This fluid can sometimes contain PSA, and a person typically expels this fluid in greater quantities than ejaculate.

Researchers have confirmed the existence and origin of both female ejaculate fluid and squirting fluid. A 2020 review concluded that there is “sufficient evidence” to support the existence of female ejaculation, but further research is necessary to assess its chemical composition.

Other studies have also confirmed the physical origin of squirting fluid and its ties with physical arousal.

A small 2022 study involved doctors injecting a colored dye into the bladder of several participants before providing sexual stimulation. It was confirmed that the expelled fluid in squirting contained the dye administered.

In a 2014 study, researchers used ultrasound to monitor women during self-stimulation. The study found that all the women started with an empty bladder, which began to fill during arousal. The post-ejaculation scans revealed that the participants’ bladders were empty again.

The secretion of fluids during arousal and stimulation is normal. People may produce different volumes of different fluids depending on circumstance and stimulus.

The authors of a 2013 review estimated that 10-54% of women experience female ejaculation. However, it is difficult to fully assess the rate at which people experience it.

Some people may secrete fluid during arousal without noticing. It is possible that they are not aware of it because the fluid can flow backward into the bladder rather than leaving the body.

What is known is that the experience of female ejaculation, including the feeling, triggers, and amount of ejaculation, varies considerably from person to person.

There is no evidence that female ejaculation has any health benefits. However, research has found sex itself to offer several benefits.

During orgasm, the body releases pain-relieving hormones that can help with back and leg pain, headaches, and menstrual cramps.

Immediately after climaxing, the body releases hormones that promote restful sleep. These hormones include prolactin and oxytocin.

Other health benefits include:

It is not clear whether or not there is a link between female ejaculation and the menstrual cycle.

Some women say that they are more likely to ejaculate after ovulating and before menstruating, while others do not see a connection. More research is necessary to confirm or refute this association.

Some scientists believe that female ejaculate plays a role in pregnancy. They think this because the fluid contains PSA and fructose, which help sperm on their journey toward an unfertilized egg.

Others dispute this theory, however. They argue that ejaculate usually contains urine, which can kill sperm. They also say that it is not easy for the fluid to travel from the urethra to the vagina, where it would need to be to play a role in pregnancy.

Below are some frequently asked questions about female ejaculation.

What is female ejaculation?

Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid from the urethra during orgasm or arousal. This fluid is not necessarily urine.

What are the two types of female ejaculation?

Female ejaculate and squirting fluid are two distinct fluids that originate from different parts of the body. While they are not the same thing, the body may produce one or both in response to similar states of arousal or sexual stimulus.

When did female ejaculation start?

Historians of medicine and psychology started describing the phenomenon of female ejaculation approximately 2,000 years ago.

Female ejaculation is perfectly normal, and research suggests that it may be common despite people rarely discussing it.

Scientists do not fully understand the biological purpose of female ejaculation or how it works.

The experience of females who have ejaculated during sex varies considerably.