Proponents suggest that drinking celery juice on an empty stomach may detoxify the body and promotes weight loss. However, there is no scientific evidence supporting this, and while celery juice may be hydrating, it is not detoxifying.

Drinking celery juice, even on an empty stomach, does not guarantee any additional health benefits. The nutritional value of celery does not change when a person consumes it after fasting.

Consuming the juice on an empty stomach also has no additional effect on how the body digests food afterward. Although people often tout celery juice as a detoxifying, cleansing drink, no robust evidence supports these claims.

Read more to learn about celery juice’s nutritional values, how it affects the body, and more.

A bottle of celery juice sitting next to a pile of celery.Share on Pinterest
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Celery is a fibrous, low-calorie vegetable that has a high water content.

One cup of celery juice contains 33 calories. It also contains various macronutrients and micronutrients, including antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and tannin.


One cup or 8 ounces of celery juice contains the following macronutrients.

Carbohydrates7.01 grams (g)
Fat0.4 g
Protein1.63 g


One cup contains the following micronutrients.

Calcium94.4 milligrams (mg)
Magnesium26 mg
Phosphorus56.6 mg
Potassium614 mg
Sodium189 mg
Vitamin C7.32 mg

Celery is 95% water, making it a hydrating snack and smoothie or juice ingredient.

Its hydrating ability is celery juice’s most powerful “detoxifying” property. The body filters out waste products itself, mainly through the liver and kidneys, and eliminates them through urine and feces.

While drinking juice does nothing to filter waste products, consuming enough fluid helps the body’s waste management system work properly.

Although research is limited, celery and its respective juice may offer some health benefits.

Stomach ulcers

According to a 2010 study, celery seed may prevent the gastrointestinal system from developing stomach ulcers. The researchers suggest its antioxidant properties may explain this.

However, because the study design used rats, these findings do not apply to humans. Additional research is necessary to understand how celery seeds may protect against stomach ulcers in people.

Blood sugar

Celery leaf extract could be an effective complementary therapy in reducing blood sugar levels.

One small 2018 study found that after consuming celery leaf extract, older individuals with prediabetes experienced a decrease in their blood sugar levels before and after meals. However, there was no effect on blood insulin levels.

While these results suggest celery leaf extract is a promising complementary therapy for blood sugar management, more robust studies with larger sample sizes are necessary to support these findings.


Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that occurs when a person has too much uric acid in their body. Uric acid is a natural waste product that can build up in the blood.

People with gout can have painful, hot swelling in their big toes and sometimes their ankles. These symptoms can persist for days or weeks.

Because celery has anti-inflammatory properties, some people with gout may want to try it as an additional complementary therapy.

One 2018 rodent study suggested celery seed extract was effective in reducing gout-related ankle swelling. However, because this study used rats, it is unclear how effective celery extract is at reducing swelling in people.

Menstrual cramps

One small 2018 study found that capsules containing a blend of celery, saffron, and anise extract decreased menstrual pain in 39 Iranian students.

These compounds have pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory properties, which could explain why the participants reported fewer painful cramps after taking the capsules.

However, the study did not look at celery extract alone. Larger, controlled studies are needed to further investigate whether or not celery extract could reduce menstrual cramps.

Proponents of drinking celery juice on an empty stomach claim it can detoxify the liver and heal chronic illnesses. Some people suggest celery contains a special cluster of salts that purges the gut of pathogens.

However, there is no scientific evidence to back these claims.

In fact, the body is more than capable of detoxifying substances and does not need additional support in the form of “cleanses.”

The renal system, liver, and digestive system support the body’s complex detoxification processes. While staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet can keep the body’s organs functioning properly, detox drinks and celery juice will not flush the body of toxins.

When people make celery juice, they usually strain the pulp to create a smooth, crisp beverage. However, straining celery juice after blending means they will miss out on fiber and other important nutrients in celery.

Additionally, using celery juice as a replacement for breakfast can be harmful when done long-term. Celery juice is very low in calories and nutrients, and it does not contain the energy-rich carbohydrates the body needs to function properly.

Juicing on a regular basis could lead to distorted thinking patterns around food, increasing the risk of orthorexia. This is when a person fixates on consuming healthy foods.

If a person wants to increase their consumption of celery, they should focus on eating the whole vegetable. People who prefer drinking their vegetables can try blending celery in a smoothie. This retains the satiating fiber and nutrients while enabling someone to fit more vegetables into their day easily.

Drinking a moderate amount of celery juice on a regular basis is not harmful in itself. However, people should view it as a hydrating addition to a healthy diet, not a meal replacement or detox supplement.

Drinking celery juice on an empty stomach has gained popularity as a detoxifying practice.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claims that it detoxes the body, heals the gut, or reverses chronic illness.

People drinking celery juice should use it as a hydrating, refreshing beverage in addition to a balanced diet.